You just don’t know what you don’t know til you know it.
Life takes a lot of forgiveness….of ourselves mostly. I feel that way.
Interesting to me how one day feels so fluid, easy, I handle the bumps well, am even inspired by a small ‘this’ or ‘that’ which comes my way.
The next day, ‘kaboom,’ as though a tidal wave swept me off my feet and I’m not sure I can breathe.
But I do. And sometimes a friend takes me by the hand and helps settles things down within my often reactive soul.
Other times I resort to old, crappy strategies, but in the end, it all works out, I shake off the disturbance and gather together my rather consistent world view.
Thank goodness. In the end, I am reliable to myself. I work things out.
And how is it that one day I can look in the mirror and love what I see, feel the aliveness, the promise of the next moment, even have a clear sense of who I am…. and, the next day, or hour, I wonder who in heaven’s name is staring back at me. Why does she look so dour???
I wasn’t sure who that woman in the mirror was today. She was rather bullish. ‘Pissy’ might be more appropriate. It certainly keeps things interesting!
I’ll check the mirror again before I go to bed. Maybe I’ll know her better.
Or, maybe I won’t look in the mirror. I’ll just trust what I feel and check that my feet are still at the end of my legs. That should do.
If I’m paying attention I learn something new every day. I begin to know what I didn’t know or at the minimum, sit with some new questions.
Here’s to the beauty of another day and all its possibilities.
BB Webb