Religion and politics can rile even the most mild mannered citizen. Much as pets and children can ‘steal the show’, heated debates around the aforementioned topics can reek havoc on relationships as to me, what I hear most is a fervent need to ‘be right’.
I am intrigued after reading my business coach’s blog, The Unsinkable Brian Cork. His blog is read by some 30,000 folks a day. His topics are diverse and he loves to ‘stir the pot’, something I too am drawn to in my own, probably for now, quieter way.
So, in commenting on the righteousness felt by some, or as Brian states, the folks who claim to ‘tip their toes’ into religion through stating they are instead ‘spiritual’, (I loved that), it was fun to watch my own reactions.
I’m sure he has received scores of responses….some of which he makes available for others to read and some not. My response was as follows:
Thank you for stirring the ‘religion’ pot Brian. I enjoy witnessing my own reactions as it shines a useful spotlight on where I am or where I’m not.
I’m not sure why I’m not a joiner, but I’m not, (well, unless there is a discounted price on something involved)! When I think of most religions I’ve experienced, in perhaps my limited way, I am reminded of my daily decision to either be ‘right’ or to be ‘loving’. (That brings up the gnarly hairball of controversy over the meaning behind being ‘loving’). Isn’t this fun! And besides, I’m enthralled with expansion, unlike what I feel is a rigidity of thought within many religions.
Nevertheless, I do consider this earth sojourn as certainly the ‘spiritual’ part of ‘me’ having a human experience, fraught with all the limitations of ego (fear). Be that as it may, as I watch scores of devotees and the intelligensia, clammering with their astuteness and bravado, debating over ‘their’ God, summoning false security or claiming to KNOW one thing or another, it is then that I am more enamoured to thinkers like Osho and Tom Robbins. Consider this if you will from Mr. Osho…
‘don’t try to become anything- patient, loving, nonviolent, peaceful. Don’t try. If you try, you will force yourself and you will become a hypocrite. That’s how the whole of religion has turned into hypocrisy…..Basically you are totally free to choose, but once you choose, your very choice becomes a limitation. If you want to remain totally free, then don’t choose.’
That statement alone has kept me up into the wee hours with an attempt to ‘understand’. Ahhh, we mortals. To me, the magic is in the moment, the place of unknowing and the illusive, undefinable force within, which well, I call ‘Godforce’, but I made that up. Because I can. Viva la difference… in the end, naught matters as back to the ether go we. I’d say listen to the wisdom within your heart and let IT be the master of your mind. or….not! That’s okay….I won’t take it personally.
But that’s just me. Today.
And I’m sure, you have your own favorite views. So chime in…. he (or I) would love the debate. The mystery of it all and the passion behind each person’s views are what intrigue me the most.
In the meantime, enjoy yourself if you can….no one really does KNOW much of anything, for sure, now do they.
BB Webb