Tony Montanaro

Entrances and Exits…Tender is the Day

2010-12-09T09:01:54-07:00By |Compassion|

There has been much shifting afoot and 'things' seem to be sorting themselves out, though certainly not always with total ease. My friend Karen, (beloved wife of my now deceased and treasured mentor Tony Montanaro) yesterday sent me this quote..... "I want to do to you what spring does to the cherry trees." Pablo Neruda [...]

Imagination, Energy and Focus

2009-09-28T20:34:37-06:00By |Friends|

I have a dear friend who lives in Maine; I've spoken of her before, the lovely and talented Karen Montanaro, wife of my beloved late teacher Tony Montanaro. She is a seeker like myself. Our conversations would drive most anyone mad as we stay up late into the night bug-eyed considering thoughts in the realms [...]