The Arts

And then the net lifted.

2010-11-11T08:18:28-07:00By |Expansion|

I'm enamored (is that the correct word this morning) with the process of being human on this planet. Enamored isn't the best word, but it'll have to do for the moment. I felt a net lift from my myopic view of the world this week. Some things became crystal clear. And if not CRYSTAL clear, [...]

Breaking the Shell

2010-10-10T09:14:37-06:00By |Creativity|

Ever feel as though you're incubating.....under the warmer like a chick in an egg, waiting for the right time to hatch? I appreciate what Mr. Scptt-Maxwell has to say.     "You have neat, tight expectations of what life ought to give you, but you won't get it. That isn't what life does. Life does [...]

SpiDers ACross the SkY…

2010-07-21T22:26:43-06:00By |Passion|

A colleague sent me a card today with the following quote... 'The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace things, but burn, burn, burn, [...]

Ooooh Mary…..sweet

2010-06-09T07:29:51-06:00By |Uncategorized|

The power of had Theresa Anderson on their main page this morning..... a new talent to me. Ahh the fiddle. Ahh the voice. Makes me (and clearly), Mary, weep! [youtube=] BB Webb

Quantum Change Over Cheese and Laughter

2010-06-02T23:20:37-06:00By |Expansion|

I have been sleeping a lot during my eye surgery recovery and dreaming. I dream a lot anyway....while awake and especially when asleep. Maurice Sendak's characters are tame compared to what show up on my inner HD widescreen. I've also had time to stop the normal fast spinning ferris wheel of my life for a [...]

The Miracle Worker…Miss S.

2010-04-27T22:07:45-06:00By |People I Admire|

Every so often, a person enters your life and makes a boom of a difference. Pat Sullivan was one of those women for me, (I've only had a few) and I will be forever grateful for her presence in my life. At 83 years old she's as full of piss and vinegar as I might [...]

The Road Less…Stingy

2010-04-22T20:31:53-06:00By |Dancing|

I'm pondering abundance this evening. My own, or lack of thought, forgiveness, awareness, understanding, passion, stamina, love. Again, energy. This thought around what we attract, where we focus our attention is fascinating me. I'm experimenting, both with my habitual tendencies and a practice in doing things differently. I relish the 'differently' most of all [...]

Girls….Young Women in our Culture

2010-03-28T16:09:41-06:00By |Compassion|

I know the story in this short video. My friend April introduced me to her friend who performs one of the roles in this piece. A lovely heartful man. We all watched it together the other weekend. I get it. Sincerely, I do and I do and I do. I'd like to be one of [...]