
The unmeasured moment

2010-09-01T23:12:02-06:00By |Expansion|

I've been out of my own pocket lately...diverted by a number of keen surprises, epiphanies of late really.   My earlier surrender, post meltdown, catapulting me into new territory which has me both delighted and standing a bit quiet amidst the flurry of 'little me's' scurrying about, running around me in a smidge of a [...]

Losing Sometimes Isn’t So

2010-05-06T21:50:42-06:00By |Change|

I've been wading through more choices lately. People are people and we have differences. I am learning, after living all these years, to perhaps let go a bit more easily. But, in certain areas, it's not my nature. For as many changes as I initiate and with all my moving about, varied experiences, relationships that [...]