
It’s the little things…

2009-12-03T21:18:10-07:00By |Words|

I've a word filling my mind this evening. Sustainability I'm not sure why. Words get lodged in my brain until I pay attention. I'm not sure who is knocking on my noggin at these times....but I'm grateful for their presence. So, off to, one of my favorite places to tarry. Here's what I found. [...]

Through a Woods Clearly

2009-11-29T19:27:37-07:00By |Change|

These times are trying pellet, then two, the third sneaks up on you...not full shots, just little annoying hits, trying to take one off course. But my course is clear, it always has been....though the road I travel keeps changing. And it is this time of year I think of Robert Frost. His words [...]

Oh the people we meet.

2009-10-07T23:00:34-06:00By |Change|

Overall, (and remind me I said this), I'm having a love affair with life. And love affairs are interesting....they have their highs and their lows...but just as Jerry Seinfeld exclaims in one of his many (by me, beloved) episodes of the Seinfeld show, 'make up sex is the BEST sex.'  I'm grooving on the metaphor. [...]

Chocolate Jesus

2009-07-02T01:40:04-06:00By |Spirituality|

While in high school I took a part time job at a near by nursing home, (what is the politically correct term now, something or other care facility)??  WhatEVER they're now called, this placed was filled with really old people.  I worked with a group of rather merciless seasoned nursing care folks who would test [...]