Self Image

The world spins madly on…

2010-07-31T17:06:45-06:00By |Challenge|

Necessary Losses, Necessary Humor... This week has presented all manner of choices in my world....mostly on the perspectives I might best adapt. We make plans, reach out, pull inside, rally a bit, rage perhaps, break down, stand up, smile, meet, call, sit, watch, dream, fall back, write, write, write, write....sleep, imagine, engage fantasy, move forward [...]

SpiDers ACross the SkY…

2010-07-21T22:26:43-06:00By |Passion|

A colleague sent me a card today with the following quote... 'The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace things, but burn, burn, burn, [...]

When the Rains Fall.

2010-07-21T12:00:28-06:00By |Challenge, Expansion|

  The key, I am finding, is listening. The 'answers', if you call them that, the clues, signs, signals, guides, are everywhere. We just need to pay attention, to listen. I've had another test to my own faith in navigating through yet another (what I call), creative 'funk'. You know what I'm talking about, surely. [...]

Wine-ing or Whining? And then there are days…

2010-07-17T21:44:52-06:00By |Challenge|

When we forget....there is just no simpler way to put it. Forget or perhaps old ways that just don't work anymore. It's like getting stuck in the gutter lane when're cruising along just fine and then suddenly your tire hits the berm, and oooooh, you lean to the left hoping it won't get [...]

Twelve Years Ago Today…and then, Today.

2010-07-15T23:26:49-06:00By |People I Admire|

Twelve years ago my world flipped around, me like a cat in a dryer....a sturdy Maytag, adament on keeping me tumbling for some time.... Twelve years ago my mom died. Kathryn Royer Vogel Myers Banta Richards Richards Vogel, left the physical plain and I was catapulted into 'adulthood'. Feeling her soul leave her [...]

And then there was a shift…

2010-07-14T10:58:53-06:00By |Change|

Have you ever noticed when something shifts...needn't be a major life event, nonetheless, it's a shift of magnitude that takes place somewhere, somewhere within yourself. You wake with a new view of your world somehow. The greens are greener, the smells, better than you remembered. The house you've lived in for several years is more [...]

Pan Meets Ganesh

2010-07-07T03:36:10-06:00By |Challenge|

I am reminded of the Hindu God, Ganesh this evening....the overcomer of obstacles.   And Pan, lusty, randy, playfully serious Pan. Really half man half centaur, though I rather like this depiction of him. Both embody aspects I admire, Pan with his fertile nature and ability to beckon a crowd and Ganesh, for his knowing.....he [...]

Survival of the Fittest You Say?

2010-07-04T08:02:00-06:00By |Heart|

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change." - Charles Darwin And might I add to Mr. Darwin's theory...the ones whose hearts are open. And, you can't know the difference until you've experienced that openness. And when you feel it again close, [...]