Self Image

And the world turns.

2011-02-25T21:26:58-07:00By |Expansion|

I am most definitely aware of my deficiencies. I am also becoming more aware of where I am not so deficient, expecting myself to be good at it all less and less. Oooooh, but I'm a task master to my very own soul. Oh Popeye....he am what I am what you are. I'm over half [...]

Create this…moment.

2011-01-27T19:54:36-07:00By |Creativity|

I'm breaking away from my zip zip duties for a moment to bear witness to my own 'BB Webb journey'. I thought of something queer...odd. Of course every moment we experience is NEW, but I've been noticing how certain actions seem especially new. (I've not taken LSD, I'm merely noticing what has gone perhaps unnoticed [...]

We all need a champion!

2011-01-23T11:32:34-07:00By |Challenge|

I had a young man working in my organization not so long ago. A tall, good looking, sweet and capable young man. He was caught drinking Carl House alcohol on the job. I had to let him go. In letting him go, I offered that I would not abandon him, but rather walk alongside him [...]

Woman-kind. A gift doubled and squared!

2011-01-04T18:30:58-07:00By |Relationships|

Our nuclear family, as we all know, is not what Ozzie and Harriet portrayed in the 50s....not one bit. I own and run a special event venue.....a lovely one in fact. I get teary with each bride I send down the aisle....hopeful that what they are putting out to the Universe, hopes, dreams what-have-you....might [...]

Freedom……just another word?

2010-12-22T21:10:27-07:00By |Expansion|

As I fly off to Montana looking ever higher. Ever higher. Toward those untraveled roads. [youtube=] Merry Christmas, or more simply, great peace, love and joy to you. BB Webb

It’s all in the timing

2010-12-14T13:26:22-07:00By |Compassion|

There is SO much to share, so much to write about....and at the moment, as I work toward the end of what has been one HECK of a year....I have little time for my favorite pass time (Interesting expressing that...'pass time'). I wonder with that....if I'm correct with that expression. My sister-in-law told me once [...]

Entrances and Exits…Tender is the Day

2010-12-09T09:01:54-07:00By |Compassion|

There has been much shifting afoot and 'things' seem to be sorting themselves out, though certainly not always with total ease. My friend Karen, (beloved wife of my now deceased and treasured mentor Tony Montanaro) yesterday sent me this quote..... "I want to do to you what spring does to the cherry trees." Pablo Neruda [...]

And so it goes…drip, drip, drip.

2010-11-28T10:42:03-07:00By |Expansion|

One drip of consciousness into the next....our slow awakenings. Mine come slowly and then periodically, in solid and sudden bursts. BOOM! We see. We hear. We know. We know, on NO uncertain terms we see ourselves, our path anew. And the awkwardness of ambivalence and compromise leaves. The choice to love oneself becomes stronger than [...]

Bob Banta births BB….Awwww Dad!

2010-11-22T19:50:58-07:00By |LIfe|

I hadn't put it together until just this evening, but my father, Bob Banta, (who dubbed me Barbara Suzanne Banta) was a BB as well. Happy Birthday to my father, Bob Banta. He died some time ago and honestly, I feel a greater bond with him since his death than perhaps when he was of [...]