Self Image

Ladies laughing and the power of WE..

2010-02-18T19:30:10-07:00By |Change|

  Earlier this week, I could tell when I woke one morning with my lower back cracked in two, (symbol: support...maybe...perception is everything), that I was in for one hell of a time. Literally, I could not stand. I don't remember such excrutiating pain. I was doubled over making me weary from the lack of [...]


2010-02-15T23:11:26-07:00By |Passion|

IF..... by Rudyard Kipling IF you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal [...]

Ahhhhhh hahahahhahhahhaaaaa…..dream on said she.

2010-02-15T15:38:18-07:00By |Change|

I miss my illusions sometimes. I create such neat fantasies in my mind, rich, alive, in full color, 3D, or some 4D, even better. I'm liking what I know of 4D. I'm an adept creator, I dream dreams while dreaming. I'm often unsure of which is my 'reality' but that's subjective now, isn't it? I [...]

What choice have we…

2010-02-13T22:13:09-07:00By |Change|

“If I could persuade myself that I should find God in a Himalayan cave I would proceed there immediately. But I know that I cannot find God apart from humanity.” ~ Gandhi I don't think I'd enjoy a Himalayan cave, but I think we need to find our own 'caves' of sorts when dealing with [...]

Gratitude and Heart

2010-02-11T11:28:44-07:00By |Compassion|

I have a variety of pals, some close, some I see only now and again and some who cross the border of service provider and someone who I am friendly with. I'll count my new massure/energy healing goddess as one. A new acquaintance who like me, studied energy healing with the oh so gifted Dr. [...]

Who DO you trust?

2010-02-10T09:26:38-07:00By |Change|

People are so entirely fallible. I can live with that. What is harder is when they seem content or unaware within their own deep seated illusions. Or when I endeavor to tune into 'heart' and hear only static, or worse, nothing. I like talking about the elephant in the room. He's there, taking up space, [...]

A Life of Pleasures…why not?

2010-02-06T22:20:22-07:00By |Reflection|

I indulged in Elizabeth Berg's 'A Year of Pleasures' today. Some background: The main character Betta, recently lost her husband. In the dialogue which follows, Betta is speaking with her friend Maddy, (they're newly reunited old pals), having learned that Maddy's eleven year old daughter died diving into the shallow end of a pool. When [...]

The Untethered Soul

2010-02-04T20:33:48-07:00By |Change|

I've been short of breath this entire week, I can't get a full breath. I'm strong, healthy and in good shape. Sick people and old ladies usually are the ones short of breath. My friend informed me it was STRESS. And then she followed it up with,   'Stress is the #1 killer in America. [...]

Support, Caretaking, Taking Care, Caring Less.

2010-02-04T10:01:23-07:00By |Compassion|

Which is it. What do we do from one day to the next, moment to the next? SUPPORT...I'm all for that, giving it and receiving it. Support to me is giving someone the tools to do what they have the ability to do. We can give it and receive it...Support for efforts in growth, learning [...]

And when it’s time…

2010-02-01T23:00:53-07:00By |Passion|

  ...there is no hesitation...only a forward fall into realms unimagined, like putting on a coat you've admired for so long in the store window. Putting it on is better than you dreamed, the texture, weight, smell, the sparkle of its buckles, the feel of its lining on your skin, the way it cloaks your [...]