Self Image

Your Opus?

2010-03-14T20:52:18-06:00By |Heart|

The plural of opus, is opera. I just learned that today. I would have thought it was Opi....but what do I know!? One of my favorite films is 'Mr. Holland's Opus'. A man, (Richard Dreyfuss), a musician intent on creating his major musical work, his symphony, his opus to present to the world. Instead, his [...]

Oh yeeeeees you can, you can do it!

2010-03-09T22:30:56-07:00By |Music|

I'm inspired by brilliance, creativity, talent, heart, openness, honesty.... which often takes uncanny courage....the kind where you REALLY take a look in the mirror, where you work to love yourself despite all the silly stuff you might have done in the past. I'm also inspired by people's willingness to shift, turn, grown and love despite [...]

A Sad and Beautiful World

2010-03-08T20:30:23-07:00By |Music|

I was listening to NPR (National Public Radio), on my way back from a killer Bikram Yoga class which I travel all the way to Alpharetta for, (I drive nearly an hour to be tortured). It's the closest location to my home. Having plenty of time to listen to tunes or talk on the phone, [...]

Necessary Shifting and Necessary Play

2010-03-08T09:02:53-07:00By |Change|

I took a long awaited spin outside my surrounds this past Friday. Welcomed indeed. Hopping gleefully into my ready jeep, eager to hit the road, I felt giddy with excitement to take a break from what has felt like a very, very long winter, fall, summer and spring of last year. In fact, I was [...]

The Scary Monster

2022-01-14T11:14:02-07:00By |LIfe|

The Scary Monster When I was a little girl, when everyone still called me, 'Barbie Sue', I believed in scary monsters. They lived in my basement, (which if you read my earlier post, I was extremely scared of), and they hung out in my bedroom closet. I would lie (or is it lay)?? quietly in [...]

Sartre…Satie and questions for the Universe

2010-02-27T00:23:00-07:00By |Reflection|

I’m waxing a bit poetic this late evening. You may want to play Erik Satie’s music below while reading. And in that it's probably morning time for you, you may consider reading and listening with a strong cup of espresso or hot ceylon or oolong tea, sweetened just so, snugged up in a comfy chair [...]

Awwww… one will see the back.

2010-02-24T21:23:09-07:00By |Change|

When I was 11 and 12, (ugh....with absolutely NO breasts, skinny as a green bean), in preparation for school, my OH so patient mother would painstakingly help put hot curlers in my hair to make it bounce, as otherwise my very curly hair would have a plan of it's own and rebel conformity, (as if [...]

And then, from the OTHER side…

2010-02-23T20:42:35-07:00By |Reflection|

I'm thinking about how different something, an object, person, story or experience can look when you move around it to a slightly different angle.   Black can become white or well, really any shade under the sun. I've been seeing a few things from a different view lately and as I do....holy cow....a new day [...]

Opening to the Heart…with a spirit of mystery

2010-02-21T00:40:30-07:00By |Heart|

I'm sitting with a mystery. It's a serious one to me. I've traveled with some interesting teachers my spell here on the planet. I've seen smarts, compassion, passion, diverse talent galore, ego and heart mixed in interesting combinations with all these teachers. I pick and choose from what I see. I try not to expect [...]

It’s faith…it’s faith we need

2010-02-19T10:20:10-07:00By |Compassion|

I love remembering what I know. When I pray, and I do, in my fashion, usually with sweet smelling things in my periphery....I ask whomever, (and I speak with a host of influencers), 'please help me remember what I already know which will serve me, and who I am here to serve, today, please'. Yes, [...]