Possibility Thinking

I wonder?

2010-05-19T22:33:49-06:00By |Expansion|

I wonder how I will look back on this period in my life 5 years from now. I'll wonder how I made it through. I'll consider the relationships, ups, downs, arounds and how much I learned from it all, consider the people I still love, whether they are active in my life or not. I'll [...]

It’s not WHAT you’re doing that matters…

2010-05-16T19:14:13-06:00By |Expansion|

...it's how what you're doing AFFECTS you that matters. Where are activities, beliefs, people, your 'story' a decoy to what is true in you?? Holding secrets, (not the kind I was referring to in my last post), or being true to who you really are, being less than real to yourself, or the ones you [...]

The flavor of change and connection really.

2010-05-16T14:45:52-06:00By |Change|

Curiously the number of readers of this blog are growing and I'm this morning wondering who you are? Where do you come from, what sparks your fancy? I'm readying for an adventure....in about a week and a half, an adventure different from the day-to-day adventures that fill my life. I'll be going away....it's a secret [...]

Weary Yet Fortified…My Expanding Universe!

2010-05-11T08:30:15-06:00By |Business|

Ahhhh....transition of the most effective kind....pulling out weeds from my garden, which (unless they are edible), do little to enhance the scenery, my garden, or in this case, my business. I feel full of purpose this morning.   I worked a momumental 34 hours in 2 and a half days, not unusual, but the type [...]

Awwww Kitty….A Brand New Day

2010-05-09T07:16:58-06:00By |Compassion|

"No one can go back and make a brand new start, my friend, but anyone can start from here and make a brand new end." - Dan Zadra And while we're at it.... "Resentment is one burden that is incompatible with your success. Always be the first to forgive; and forgive yourself first [...]

The Nature of Man

2010-05-07T08:54:42-06:00By |Challenge|

Okay....women too. I'm sitting this morning readying for a 5 event weekend at Carl House....(a big thank you for that)....I'm wondering why we all tend to rally to defense instead of work to see another's point of view. I'm no doubt guilty at times here as well. What is it we feel we need to [...]

Entrepreneurialism….IS THIS TRUE?????????

2010-05-02T11:50:37-06:00By |Business|

I believe in entreprenurialism. I believe in creating and manifesting whatever you can! I believe in hard work and passion. I'd like to believe that this is all possible to do in America, with a good measure of support. And I soooooooooo wonder. At times I soooooooooo wonder. Did you know that entrepreneurs make up [...]

Love Among the Memories

2010-04-29T22:00:05-06:00By |Reflection|

Love Among the Memories I found myself this past weekend in the lush surrounds of Lancaster, PA, Lititz to be exact, home of Wilbur Chocolate and Linden Hall, now the oldest girl’s school in America, founded in 1747, also my former high school. I arrived on no more beautiful day than I can ever remember. [...]

Move Forward!

2010-04-26T20:34:05-06:00By |Change|

I'm considering this past year. It's obvious to me how life is a bit like a flowing river….we like floating or swimming debris, caught in little eddies from time to time, or on the sideline, snagged in riverside sticks or waylaid near a beaver’s damn. And other times, swiftly sweeping past the river’s edge, onlookers [...]