
It’s not what you’re DOING that matters…..

2010-06-03T11:40:07-06:00By |Expansion|

...as much as the intention behind your actions. How 'Zen' of me you might say....or not.... I watched a typical Hollywood-esk movie this evening with my 'caretaking' friend....we've watched a few during my recouping time this week. I was struck (again) at how narrow our vision of 'reality' or 'truth', 'a truth' or 'belief' is [...]

Entrepreneurialism….IS THIS TRUE?????????

2010-05-02T11:50:37-06:00By |Business|

I believe in entreprenurialism. I believe in creating and manifesting whatever you can! I believe in hard work and passion. I'd like to believe that this is all possible to do in America, with a good measure of support. And I soooooooooo wonder. At times I soooooooooo wonder. Did you know that entrepreneurs make up [...]

Are you a ‘Stuffer’???

2009-10-26T20:09:08-06:00By |Reflection|

Are you? Do you 'stuff' down what you're feeling....hold your tongue, distract yourself with 'happy thoughts' or pout away because you just couldn't express what you were feeling? Do you tend to blame the other guy, refuse to take 'ownership' for what occurs in your life, focus on that glass that is clearly half empty [...]