
And the lights went out…

2010-09-04T13:00:27-06:00By |Expansion|

When it's time, how interesting to feel the lights go out in areas of our house, our hearts, our souls. Maybe not altogether, but certain things which had a shiny allure, dim, as that's what happens as we shift to other things calling forth our attention, our passions, our hearts and interest. And when those [...]

The unmeasured moment

2010-09-01T23:12:02-06:00By |Expansion|

I've been out of my own pocket lately...diverted by a number of keen surprises, epiphanies of late really.   My earlier surrender, post meltdown, catapulting me into new territory which has me both delighted and standing a bit quiet amidst the flurry of 'little me's' scurrying about, running around me in a smidge of a [...]

Falling Forward

2010-08-24T09:52:04-06:00By |Change, Possibility and Intention|

I felt it....this morning. Unable to sleep....doing my toss-turn-flop-head churning-dreaming thing I do when I can't sleep. (it's the dogs and their incessant licking that woke me.....oooooh, my pups....CLEAN pups)! Okay, Mercury's in retrograde (and more specifically, here) friend Louise keeps me up to date with such things. I'm never sure what that means though [...]


2010-08-23T22:52:24-06:00By |Energy Healing|

I have no need for TV...unless I need some comedy in my life.....though I suppose comedy is in the eye of the beholder. A rotten egg can be comical if you like watching things decompose, fall apart, turn green then grey. I guess that could be comical. I'm stretching here. The human race embarrasses me [...]


2010-08-03T07:01:56-06:00By |Challenge|

"Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen - that stillness becomes a radiance." - Morgan Freeman, Actor I'm practicing.....but.....ooooh, ooooooh I gotta run....I've got to go.... I have an appointment. So, you see the challenge. Still amidst mayhem and travail. I'm a practicing 'stillness' artist, feeling flushed all the [...]

The world spins madly on…

2010-07-31T17:06:45-06:00By |Challenge|

Necessary Losses, Necessary Humor... This week has presented all manner of choices in my world....mostly on the perspectives I might best adapt. We make plans, reach out, pull inside, rally a bit, rage perhaps, break down, stand up, smile, meet, call, sit, watch, dream, fall back, write, write, write, write....sleep, imagine, engage fantasy, move forward [...]

SpiDers ACross the SkY…

2010-07-21T22:26:43-06:00By |Passion|

A colleague sent me a card today with the following quote... 'The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace things, but burn, burn, burn, [...]

When the Rains Fall.

2010-07-21T12:00:28-06:00By |Challenge, Expansion|

  The key, I am finding, is listening. The 'answers', if you call them that, the clues, signs, signals, guides, are everywhere. We just need to pay attention, to listen. I've had another test to my own faith in navigating through yet another (what I call), creative 'funk'. You know what I'm talking about, surely. [...]

Wine-ing or Whining? And then there are days…

2010-07-17T21:44:52-06:00By |Challenge|

When we forget....there is just no simpler way to put it. Forget or perhaps old ways that just don't work anymore. It's like getting stuck in the gutter lane when're cruising along just fine and then suddenly your tire hits the berm, and oooooh, you lean to the left hoping it won't get [...]