A friend shared with me today that revenge is taking poison thinking it'll kill someone else. I don't do revenge. I prefer dancing and the light. BB Webb
A friend shared with me today that revenge is taking poison thinking it'll kill someone else. I don't do revenge. I prefer dancing and the light. BB Webb
'Any attempt to measure one's progress in life with an assessment of their present physical surroundings, or even a panoramic glance at their life and times to date, is just plain "whacked." The reason being, is that each journey, kind of like a haircut, should never be fully appraised until it's complete. Otherwise, one might [...]
Truth, light, transparency and savvy always wins. And by winning, i am referring to working toward the 'good'. And might I define good? Perhaps good is taking responsibility, doing well onto others, respecting your limits, encouraging growth. Truth or dare. I dare you to own up to all that you are....the glorious pieces, the less [...]
Funny really how we can hold ourselves back from time to time and not even know it til someone helps to open up a new avenue to set you free. We create our own whipping posts. Bring it on I say, each challenge a new opportunity to further set myself free. And appropriate I think, [...]
I have not birthed children however I have birthed and mothered many other things. I certainly mother my animals, step children at one time, friends when they need that sort of care and of course my businesses and creative endeavors. I've made mistakes with these 'children', enjoyed a few triumphs and certainly felt heartache earning [...]
This week's lesson. Go for what you want, go for what you need, move the negative out, bring the powerfully good in, in, in, in, in....and you'll know, you'll KNOW, when ya got sumpin.......and don't stop until YOU ARE SATISFIED. (It's your life, yes)?!! [youtube=] Just say to yourself....'oh, oh yeah, I'm gonna gitcha, I'm [...]
This just in this morning. 'The greatest trick and most subtle secret to doing anything really, really well, is loving that you get to do it at all'. Passion, gratitude, service. Please let there be a shift in the world. BB Webb
Everyday we have an opportunity. I'm thinking of my two friends. I'm thinking of my friend with cancer and I'm thinking of my friend who feels she is at the end of her rope. My few best friends are facing challenging situations in their lives. As I sit with them, and as I send them [...]
Tonight....I Am Considering the Road, for me, Not Yet Taken... Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveller, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, [...]
The Weepies have a song named 'Lighting Candles' which hit me in a new way this very weekend. I've spent years and continue to find myself lighting candles in the dark. I couldn't find their song on YouTube to share, but have written out the words below. I relate. For me it is possibly the [...]