
Catalyst-ah and her gift

2010-01-07T21:01:49-07:00By |Change|

There is always a gift, always. When we're seemingly thrown over a cliff or shoved against a wall, there is a gift, (smashed nose too, maybe). I'm thinking this evening about fate and the necessity for (or advantage of), perspective. I've watched, felt really, my mind and my body take grand shifts of perspective and [...]

Awwwww…..wing it Icarus, wing it!

2010-01-07T00:30:55-07:00By |LIfe|

I spent a time many moons ago in love with Edith Hamilton's book 'Mythology' and during that time I also read lots and lots of Greek plays, many quite droll, the main premise of most stories being, 'man suffers then he dies.' Well, damn if that wasn't a long time ago and our world is [...]

Rituals and saying good-bye…

2010-01-05T10:50:47-07:00By |People I Admire|

I love calendars and maps and greatly value rituals. I create them for all kinds of events: the start of a business, the moving into a house, marriages for sure, a year of this, a month of that, the death of a pet, a birth, a divorce, the dog gets a bath, my friend gets [...]

5 Thoughts and One to Grow On

2010-01-05T06:30:50-07:00By |Energy Healing, LIfe|

A few thoughts hit me like water balloons to the head last evening and early this morning. #1 JUST BE. Be what you envision, the way you view the world. Quit with all the doing, the explaining, the effort. Be the change, the difference. Big night really. And then the big shazam was when I [...]

On Truth.

2009-12-30T10:15:32-07:00By |LIfe|

I've learned some key things this past week.....or maybe it's a lifetime that has brought me here. Who we are, our truth, how we feel, what we believe, is like a personal elixir, making us full, alive, passionate about things perhaps, allows our soul to flourish within our human skin. Though, to live in our [...]

That Path of Good Intentions…

2009-12-28T01:27:07-07:00By |Change|

Some days I feel that life is quite random and then others, entirely planned, the universe having it’s perfect reaction to shift and turn us where we need to go, where we need to wake up. I think? It’s awful some of the time, harsh and cruel really, feeling like being bandied about in a [...]

The Work We Do….

2009-12-13T10:01:29-07:00By |Business|

I've been fortunate that most of my life I have been able to do the sort of the work I choose. Certainly there have been jobs in the interim, short term jobs which got me from one place to another, but all fed the stream that led me to the ocean, the place where all [...]

Is it ‘just weather’?

2009-12-08T20:18:28-07:00By |Passion|

I wrote a piece, keynote talk, performance, I don’t know….called, ‘It’s Just Weather, Embracing Possibility Thinking or How to Find Your Twirl.’ In this piece I share stories about ‘moving forward,’ moving forward despite the obstacles, the rain, the stuff that gives one ‘pause.’ I performed it, rewrote it, performed it again, then put it [...]

Through a Woods Clearly

2009-11-29T19:27:37-07:00By |Change|

These times are trying pellet, then two, the third sneaks up on you...not full shots, just little annoying hits, trying to take one off course. But my course is clear, it always has been....though the road I travel keeps changing. And it is this time of year I think of Robert Frost. His words [...]