
Our Ambassador of Enlightenment – Tiny Tips of Canine Enlightenment

2023-01-31T11:43:25-07:00By |Business, Compassion, Friends, Fun, Gratitude, Heart, LIfe, Play, Reflection|

Ambassador of Enlightenment! Our Ambassador of Enlightenment - Tiny Tips of Canine Enlightenment Why might the perspective of my pup, Buddy, hold value to those of us in business?  As the former 'Director of First Impressions' has proven, no one was a fonder greeter of our guests at my former business, Carl House.  With [...]

Time to Re-Consider

2010-12-28T10:23:50-07:00By |Creativity|

I say yes to friends. Yes to fun. Yes to family. Pink Hair.... Yes to travel, adventure, creativity, dogs, cats, snow..... Sisters with red hair. New profit centers. Getting rid of the clutter. Good books, new ideas, New recipes, Colorful restaurants, Dinners with friends. Peace. Brothers...... And so, sooo much more. Time to [...]

Blue Skies and it’s sometimes not what you say…

2010-06-15T00:04:14-06:00By |Reflection|

...but what you DON'T say that can be harmful. Communication is ticky. (ticky being a new favorite word). I was told by someone once....'communication is the response you get'. I don't know if I entirely agree with that. For instance, I might say to you, 'damn this workshop blows'. You might look at me aghast [...]