
It’s not WHAT you’re doing that matters…

2010-05-16T19:14:13-06:00By |Expansion|'s how what you're doing AFFECTS you that matters. Where are activities, beliefs, people, your 'story' a decoy to what is true in you?? Holding secrets, (not the kind I was referring to in my last post), or being true to who you really are, being less than real to yourself, or the ones you [...]

Move Forward!

2010-04-26T20:34:05-06:00By |Change|

I'm considering this past year. It's obvious to me how life is a bit like a flowing river….we like floating or swimming debris, caught in little eddies from time to time, or on the sideline, snagged in riverside sticks or waylaid near a beaver’s damn. And other times, swiftly sweeping past the river’s edge, onlookers [...]

Vibrating at a Higher Frequency…

2010-04-20T22:35:10-06:00By |Energy Healing|

Our bodies are energy....electromagnetic. When we operate from good intention and in integrity, truth as we know it, authenticity, (if you will), our health is better, we manifest our desires effortlessly. Heart energy vibrates at a very high energy. We will be hearing more of this sort of language in upcoming days....I'm beginning to hear [...]

Awake From A Dream And Back Again

2010-04-19T17:47:44-06:00By |Change|

I awoke, recently....with this paragraph steaming through my head.     'And so you ever greater authenticity. ....and always a connection to heart, which to me, is imagining the walk in another's shoes while standing solidly in your own. Listening for what you don't yet realize. Being open to the breath and wisdom between [...]

Revisited….that tipping point

2010-04-01T23:20:01-06:00By |Heart|

This week is a milestone week, for many reasons... I've known the tipping point was on its way...unsure in only impatient moments. But, a higher source noted its coming and I'm learning to trust that voice more and more. It's something when your mind, heart and spirit shift. It's like bursting from a cocoon! As [...]

And again, I remind myself…

2010-03-28T20:21:24-06:00By |Compassion|

  simply to breathe... breathe, breathe, and trust... trust that somewhere, somehow, I am, (we are), supremely loved, taken care of and.... that equanimity is mine...ours... yours. And so it is. It just is. BB Webb

All Structures are Unstable

2010-03-23T09:15:33-06:00By |Reflection|

Eckhart Tolle is kicking my butt....and I like it. I like to see things with fresh eyes. From his, 'A New Earth'. 'The ego always wants something from other people or situations. There is always a hidden agenda, always a sense of 'not enough yet,' of insufficiency and lack that needs to be filled. It [...]

What’s missing…

2010-03-10T23:49:03-07:00By |Heart|

I start my day off with a cup of fresh brewed coffee.....I love the smell, the taste, the heat, the ritual and how the pot makes that inviting gurgle sound I know so well, the memories it evokes...all summoning me to this magnificent pleasure. I'm picky about my beans, the 'cream' I use, that it's [...]

Necessary Shifting and Necessary Play

2010-03-08T09:02:53-07:00By |Change|

I took a long awaited spin outside my surrounds this past Friday. Welcomed indeed. Hopping gleefully into my ready jeep, eager to hit the road, I felt giddy with excitement to take a break from what has felt like a very, very long winter, fall, summer and spring of last year. In fact, I was [...]

Sartre…Satie and questions for the Universe

2010-02-27T00:23:00-07:00By |Reflection|

I’m waxing a bit poetic this late evening. You may want to play Erik Satie’s music below while reading. And in that it's probably morning time for you, you may consider reading and listening with a strong cup of espresso or hot ceylon or oolong tea, sweetened just so, snugged up in a comfy chair [...]