
Our greatest gift…

2010-01-31T00:41:02-07:00By |LIfe|

"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." - James Baldwin, Author and Activist Our greatest gift to ourselves and certainly to another person, is to see them see the person inside the humanity. This thought just lit a lightbulb in my head after sitting [...]

Finding Home.

2010-01-24T09:20:36-07:00By |Change|

I've felt a bit alien in my own skin and frankly in the world in which I live of late, astonished by what I perceive as the barren-ness of some, (I'll call them), 'belief systems' I've encountered recently, evidenced by the people who demonstrate those belief systems by their actions. I'm not judging them, though [...]

So evolved life fulfilled.

2010-01-13T18:44:43-07:00By |LIfe|

I was chatting with my pal 2Lu this evening. We were sorting through all manner of events and feelings and goals pronounced from the last few weeks....a time for rich growth for sure. And, on January 15th, Mercury resumes its forward movement, we will experience a solar eclipse, and there will be a new moon….all [...]

Rituals and saying good-bye…

2010-01-05T10:50:47-07:00By |People I Admire|

I love calendars and maps and greatly value rituals. I create them for all kinds of events: the start of a business, the moving into a house, marriages for sure, a year of this, a month of that, the death of a pet, a birth, a divorce, the dog gets a bath, my friend gets [...]

5 Thoughts and One to Grow On

2010-01-05T06:30:50-07:00By |Energy Healing, LIfe|

A few thoughts hit me like water balloons to the head last evening and early this morning. #1 JUST BE. Be what you envision, the way you view the world. Quit with all the doing, the explaining, the effort. Be the change, the difference. Big night really. And then the big shazam was when I [...]

That Path of Good Intentions…

2009-12-28T01:27:07-07:00By |Change|

Some days I feel that life is quite random and then others, entirely planned, the universe having it’s perfect reaction to shift and turn us where we need to go, where we need to wake up. I think? It’s awful some of the time, harsh and cruel really, feeling like being bandied about in a [...]

Time Travel

2009-11-20T20:39:38-07:00By |Reflection|

Yesterday is but today's teacher and tomorrow the mirror of our lesson's learned. How visionary and adaptable we are with the process helps certainly with the buoyancy of our travel. Another week 'down', like meteors passing, with storms of great measure, lightning splitting solid ground, thunder rocking all foundations and the hail, the mighty hail. [...]

Chocolate Jesus

2009-07-02T01:40:04-06:00By |Spirituality|

While in high school I took a part time job at a near by nursing home, (what is the politically correct term now, something or other care facility)??  WhatEVER they're now called, this placed was filled with really old people.  I worked with a group of rather merciless seasoned nursing care folks who would test [...]