
Girls….Young Women in our Culture

2010-03-28T16:09:41-06:00By |Compassion|

I know the story in this short video. My friend April introduced me to her friend who performs one of the roles in this piece. A lovely heartful man. We all watched it together the other weekend. I get it. Sincerely, I do and I do and I do. I'd like to be one of [...]

And then, from the OTHER side…

2010-02-23T20:42:35-07:00By |Reflection|

I'm thinking about how different something, an object, person, story or experience can look when you move around it to a slightly different angle.   Black can become white or well, really any shade under the sun. I've been seeing a few things from a different view lately and as I do....holy cow....a new day [...]