
The Many Parts of We

2010-09-20T21:37:13-06:00By |Relationships|

I am considering this evening the many parts of we....all of us, me, the people I know, the ones I know well, others not so, and the new ones gracing my world who I'm eager to know better.....then I consider, that less confident side of myself....'.if I don't muck up!' Quite a comment for [...]

A roundabout she does go and go

2010-09-14T21:09:39-06:00By |Challenge|

With the cool weather I'm back to my favorite several mile trek taking a little over an hour to cover the ground I choose. It's good time for me, moving, breathing, allowing my mind to wander as it will. And, like getting a good night of sleep, I wonder, 'how is it I forgot how [...]

Men…..Women, Hearts and Minds

2010-09-12T22:11:07-06:00By |Compassion|

We all know we are different, men and women. I'm thinking today about really how we are the same, though come at our desires and needs differently. I'll venture to say that even with sexuality, with a commensurate blend of mind and heart, men AND women seek fulfillment of pleasure, (yep, satisfaction) and connection there [...]

Deleting she did go.

2010-09-11T09:11:33-06:00By |Compassion|

I woke this morning, oooooh, after a long and luxurious sleep, my a kind, thoughtful, sweet and loving note from a new friend. It was so different from the sort of communiques I've received over the past many many ways. I sat with it, considering the sort of person who might write such [...]

When crashing comes…

2010-09-09T01:20:47-06:00By |Change, Possibility and Intention|

It's usually a sign. Something needs to go. Something. 'But what' you ask. 'But what? Won't my world come crashing down if I let go one leggo stick? Maybe. Or maybe you'll find a new supporting beam. 'Leggo my leggo' you protest! And boom, boom, boom.....a tumble goes that neat little world you kept yourself [...]

Add a Green Screen to Your World and….oh boy!

2010-09-05T09:00:25-06:00By |Creativity|

I'm adding a Green Screen (ChromaKey) to MY world and I'm as excited as I've been in quite some time... If you are not familiar with the attributes of a Green Screen, allow me please to share. A Green Screen is used in filming, giving the advantage of adding whatever backdrop you choose to the [...]

And the lights went out…

2010-09-04T13:00:27-06:00By |Expansion|

When it's time, how interesting to feel the lights go out in areas of our house, our hearts, our souls. Maybe not altogether, but certain things which had a shiny allure, dim, as that's what happens as we shift to other things calling forth our attention, our passions, our hearts and interest. And when those [...]

The unmeasured moment

2010-09-01T23:12:02-06:00By |Expansion|

I've been out of my own pocket lately...diverted by a number of keen surprises, epiphanies of late really.   My earlier surrender, post meltdown, catapulting me into new territory which has me both delighted and standing a bit quiet amidst the flurry of 'little me's' scurrying about, running around me in a smidge of a [...]

Good to Remember…

2010-08-10T22:09:32-06:00By |Challenge|

'Don't be afraid to be outrageous; the critics will shoot you down anyway.' Sir Laurence Olivier It's true....working to please the world will just get you in one mess a trouble. My best friend 2Lu, (who has a milestone birthday this very day), tells me often to not have expectations and I'll never be [...]