
Quantum Change Over Cheese and Laughter

2010-06-02T23:20:37-06:00By |Expansion|

I have been sleeping a lot during my eye surgery recovery and dreaming. I dream a lot anyway....while awake and especially when asleep. Maurice Sendak's characters are tame compared to what show up on my inner HD widescreen. I've also had time to stop the normal fast spinning ferris wheel of my life for a [...]

An adventure beckons…

2010-05-27T01:05:37-06:00By |Dancing|

I'm off on an adventure for the next little while. I hopped (I did, a red high heels), into my Blue speed racer car around 5:30 this evening and headed north....after a looooong week of the normal ups, downs and arounds. I felt as though I'd emerged from a tightly knit cocoon! The wheels [...]

I’m a bullet…a BB bullet….

2010-05-25T22:55:09-06:00By |Expansion|

(I wrote what is below two days ago.....and tonight I'm laughing at the absurdity of it all).... We are all much more capable of embracing life than we know.   I'm a bullet today.....a BB bullet. I am aimed and entirely on target.   It had to come eventually. The option of 'losing' is as [...]

Revelation Give it back, move along!

2010-05-23T09:33:29-06:00By |Compassion|

"The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own." - Benjamin Disraeli And might I (cause he's ringing in my earballs and eyedrums this morning), paraphrase Dr. Jung's sentiment, love being, 'the process of gently guiding someone into themselves'. Noble intent indeed..... [...]

The flavor of change and connection really.

2010-05-16T14:45:52-06:00By |Change|

Curiously the number of readers of this blog are growing and I'm this morning wondering who you are? Where do you come from, what sparks your fancy? I'm readying for an about a week and a half, an adventure different from the day-to-day adventures that fill my life. I'll be going's a secret [...]

Weary Yet Fortified…My Expanding Universe!

2010-05-11T08:30:15-06:00By |Business|

Ahhhh....transition of the most effective kind....pulling out weeds from my garden, which (unless they are edible), do little to enhance the scenery, my garden, or in this case, my business. I feel full of purpose this morning.   I worked a momumental 34 hours in 2 and a half days, not unusual, but the type [...]

Losing Sometimes Isn’t So

2010-05-06T21:50:42-06:00By |Change|

I've been wading through more choices lately. People are people and we have differences. I am learning, after living all these years, to perhaps let go a bit more easily. But, in certain areas, it's not my nature. For as many changes as I initiate and with all my moving about, varied experiences, relationships that [...]

Love Among the Memories

2010-04-29T22:00:05-06:00By |Reflection|

Love Among the Memories I found myself this past weekend in the lush surrounds of Lancaster, PA, Lititz to be exact, home of Wilbur Chocolate and Linden Hall, now the oldest girl’s school in America, founded in 1747, also my former high school. I arrived on no more beautiful day than I can ever remember. [...]

Comfort has its penalties!

2010-04-22T09:09:39-06:00By |Challenge|

This just in from Dare not wish to change even the slightest thing about a loved one without first understanding how it might change the rest of them. Keep your eye on the ball, The Universe I'd almost forgotten. Comfort has it's penalties. Something about trust. Keep jumping! BB Webb

Awake From A Dream And Back Again

2010-04-19T17:47:44-06:00By |Change|

I awoke, recently....with this paragraph steaming through my head.     'And so you ever greater authenticity. ....and always a connection to heart, which to me, is imagining the walk in another's shoes while standing solidly in your own. Listening for what you don't yet realize. Being open to the breath and wisdom between [...]