
Your Hungry Ghost…Hope is Dangerous

2010-06-12T10:23:53-06:00By |Expansion|

  News alert to my psyche...hope (the context I know) is dangerous. I'm sitting with an awareness this morning of what a therapist I used to 'hang out with' called, 'the hungry ghost'. This ghost, to me, is the one that holds on to some belief, some aspiration of change, transformation, illusion, (mostly in others) [...]

Girls….Young Women in our Culture

2010-03-28T16:09:41-06:00By |Compassion|

I know the story in this short video. My friend April introduced me to her friend who performs one of the roles in this piece. A lovely heartful man. We all watched it together the other weekend. I get it. Sincerely, I do and I do and I do. I'd like to be one of [...]