
And again, I remind myself…

2010-03-28T20:21:24-06:00By |Compassion|

  simply to breathe... breathe, breathe, and trust... trust that somewhere, somehow, I am, (we are), supremely loved, taken care of and.... that equanimity is mine...ours... yours. And so it is. It just is. BB Webb

Gratitude and Heart

2010-02-11T11:28:44-07:00By |Compassion|

I have a variety of pals, some close, some I see only now and again and some who cross the border of service provider and someone who I am friendly with. I'll count my new massure/energy healing goddess as one. A new acquaintance who like me, studied energy healing with the oh so gifted Dr. [...]

With each passing moment…

2009-12-31T23:00:47-07:00By |LIfe|

I'm experiencing an 'aha' this evening...just home from work after another day of shocks and thrills. I'm considering that the universe feels I'm suited for the frontline, I'm supposed to be the commander of the artillery regiment. I certainly am becoming adept at putting out fires and managing change. Not initially, I still react like [...]

‘One must still have chaos in oneself…

2009-12-25T09:04:04-07:00By |Reflection| be able to give birth to a dancing star.' I didn't say that, it was all Friedrich Nietzsche...that wily German classical Scholar, Philosopher and Critic of culture, 1844-1900. He also said, 'There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness,' and... 'I'm not upset that you lied [...]