
Karma and Her citizens

2010-03-16T21:45:04-06:00By |Possibility and Intention|

I was 'speaking' with a friend via email, as so many of us do these days, actual dialogue, with intonations, breaths and audible sighs a faded memory in some cases. A travesty to a trained actress and a great challenge to a writer. How do we most effectively express what is in our hearts? I [...]

Necessary Shifting and Necessary Play

2010-03-08T09:02:53-07:00By |Change|

I took a long awaited spin outside my surrounds this past Friday. Welcomed indeed. Hopping gleefully into my ready jeep, eager to hit the road, I felt giddy with excitement to take a break from what has felt like a very, very long winter, fall, summer and spring of last year. In fact, I was [...]


2009-12-23T04:26:36-07:00By |Change|

I'm pondering the nature of peace this evening.... I'm thinking the kind that allows one's body to rest, mind to relax and soul to expand in the way only meditation can bring on, or great love. And at the same time I consider Mr. Hammarskjold's assertion and my mind does cartwheels and somersauts with consideration [...]

Jimmy Carter…Losing his Religion for Equality.

2009-10-05T09:35:19-06:00By |People I Admire|

I spent a lovely weekend with some new and old friends eating, drinking, sharing ideologies and stretching what I know, what I believe, how I see the world and certainly my next steps.  My dear friend, Sherry, fondly referred to as Louise to my Thelma, .....(our first adventure took us north in my little red [...]

Chocolate Jesus

2009-07-02T01:40:04-06:00By |Spirituality|

While in high school I took a part time job at a near by nursing home, (what is the politically correct term now, something or other care facility)??  WhatEVER they're now called, this placed was filled with really old people.  I worked with a group of rather merciless seasoned nursing care folks who would test [...]