
When the Rains Fall.

2010-07-21T12:00:28-06:00By |Challenge, Expansion|

  The key, I am finding, is listening. The 'answers', if you call them that, the clues, signs, signals, guides, are everywhere. We just need to pay attention, to listen. I've had another test to my own faith in navigating through yet another (what I call), creative 'funk'. You know what I'm talking about, surely. [...]

Wine-ing or Whining? And then there are days…

2010-07-17T21:44:52-06:00By |Challenge|

When we forget....there is just no simpler way to put it. Forget or perhaps revert....to old ways that just don't work anymore. It's like getting stuck in the gutter lane when bowling....you're cruising along just fine and then suddenly your tire hits the berm, and oooooh, you lean to the left hoping it won't get [...]

Twelve Years Ago Today…and then, Today.

2010-07-15T23:26:49-06:00By |People I Admire|

Twelve years ago my world flipped around, me like a cat in a dryer....a sturdy Maytag, adament on keeping me tumbling for some time.... Twelve years ago my mom died. Kathryn Royer Vogel Myers Banta Richards Richards Vogel, left the physical plain and I was catapulted into 'adulthood'. Feeling her soul leave her [...]

What Does it Mean to Turn a Corner?

2010-06-28T04:28:37-06:00By |Change|

It might mean your heart changes. Or that you let go of an old way of being. That you finally did what you've been intending for so long but didn't quite know how. Or that God, the Universe, that awesome essence, light, power, jump-started an initiative for you. Or maybe you just decided to stop [...]

Your Hungry Ghost…Hope is Dangerous

2010-06-12T10:23:53-06:00By |Expansion|

  News alert to my psyche...hope (the context I know) is dangerous. I'm sitting with an awareness this morning of what a therapist I used to 'hang out with' called, 'the hungry ghost'. This ghost, to me, is the one that holds on to some belief, some aspiration of change, transformation, illusion, (mostly in others) [...]

Quantum Change Over Cheese and Laughter

2010-06-02T23:20:37-06:00By |Expansion|

I have been sleeping a lot during my eye surgery recovery and dreaming. I dream a lot anyway....while awake and especially when asleep. Maurice Sendak's characters are tame compared to what show up on my inner HD widescreen. I've also had time to stop the normal fast spinning ferris wheel of my life for a [...]

I wonder?

2010-05-19T22:33:49-06:00By |Expansion|

I wonder how I will look back on this period in my life 5 years from now. I'll wonder how I made it through. I'll consider the relationships, ups, downs, arounds and how much I learned from it all, consider the people I still love, whether they are active in my life or not. I'll [...]

It’s not WHAT you’re doing that matters…

2010-05-16T19:14:13-06:00By |Expansion|

...it's how what you're doing AFFECTS you that matters. Where are activities, beliefs, people, your 'story' a decoy to what is true in you?? Holding secrets, (not the kind I was referring to in my last post), or being true to who you really are, being less than real to yourself, or the ones you [...]

The flavor of change and connection really.

2010-05-16T14:45:52-06:00By |Change|

Curiously the number of readers of this blog are growing and I'm this morning wondering who you are? Where do you come from, what sparks your fancy? I'm readying for an adventure....in about a week and a half, an adventure different from the day-to-day adventures that fill my life. I'll be going away....it's a secret [...]