
Weary Yet Fortified…My Expanding Universe!

2010-05-11T08:30:15-06:00By |Business|

Ahhhh....transition of the most effective kind....pulling out weeds from my garden, which (unless they are edible), do little to enhance the scenery, my garden, or in this case, my business. I feel full of purpose this morning.   I worked a momumental 34 hours in 2 and a half days, not unusual, but the type [...]

Courting Possibility.

2010-01-25T23:07:37-07:00By |Change|

I found myself today at the Duluth County Courthouse. I am guilty. I was going 60mph in a 45mph zone. I was hurrying, (typically my story), to a coaching session this past November, and honestly was NOT paying the proper attention to my driving. I still talk on my cell phone while driving, with an [...]