
Do What You Want….NATALY!!!

2010-03-22T10:21:36-06:00By |Music|

Look who I discovered.....oh-oh-oh-oh-oh....brilliance alert, brilliance alert. One better than the next.....and those eyes..... Creative people abound!! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oF-GCZQ0QpM&hl=en_US&fs=1&] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xMCNmUaGko&hl=en_US&fs=1&] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-4ZwiW1cPs&hl=en_US&fs=1&] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meT2eqgDjiM&hl=en_US&fs=1&] Refreshing....truly, truly....go out and do it.....just do what you want!! Please, please, please!! It'll help the planet....trust me on this one! BB Webb

Making things what they are…

2010-02-05T22:15:40-07:00By |Change|

...before you can change them. I was presented this notion many years ago and am considering it as I ponder with eyes wide open this evening. I am considering how we delude ourselves and often decide to 'not face the music,' (a quite interesting expression). Why would someone NOT want to face the music? Because [...]

Support, Caretaking, Taking Care, Caring Less.

2010-02-04T10:01:23-07:00By |Compassion|

Which is it. What do we do from one day to the next, moment to the next? SUPPORT...I'm all for that, giving it and receiving it. Support to me is giving someone the tools to do what they have the ability to do. We can give it and receive it...Support for efforts in growth, learning [...]

Keeping the light on.

2010-02-01T06:43:18-07:00By |Energy Healing|

With the myriad of dense energy I've found myself mucking about in lately, realizing my inner zing and joy was a bit diminished, I knew it was up to me, and only me to turn things around....to turn my light back on. I have a lot of light and typically, great energy and joy, despite [...]

Rituals and saying good-bye…

2010-01-05T10:50:47-07:00By |People I Admire|

I love calendars and maps and greatly value rituals. I create them for all kinds of events: the start of a business, the moving into a house, marriages for sure, a year of this, a month of that, the death of a pet, a birth, a divorce, the dog gets a bath, my friend gets [...]

With each passing moment…

2009-12-31T23:00:47-07:00By |LIfe|

I'm experiencing an 'aha' this evening...just home from work after another day of shocks and thrills. I'm considering that the universe feels I'm suited for the frontline, I'm supposed to be the commander of the artillery regiment. I certainly am becoming adept at putting out fires and managing change. Not initially, I still react like [...]

Joy…..Unadulterated Joy….

2009-12-18T00:02:53-07:00By |Fun|

All there for us, for the taking if we can REMEMBER..... How I love dogs. They are so IN THE MOMENT and FULL of joy. And how beautifully emphasized, showcased in this delightful Christmas spirited Harry Connick Jr. video and song with Bailey the Reindeer Pup! And FYI....in Montana, where my family resides, 35 below [...]


2009-11-24T09:32:23-07:00By |LIfe|

A friend shared with me today that revenge is taking poison thinking it'll kill someone else. I don't do revenge. I prefer dancing and the light. BB Webb

This just in from the Universe…

2009-11-21T05:02:06-07:00By |LIfe|

'Any attempt to measure one's progress in life with an assessment of their present physical surroundings, or even a panoramic glance at their life and times to date, is just plain "whacked." The reason being, is that each journey, kind of like a haircut, should never be fully appraised until it's complete. Otherwise, one might [...]