
Bob Banta births BB….Awwww Dad!

2010-11-22T19:50:58-07:00By |LIfe|

I hadn't put it together until just this evening, but my father, Bob Banta, (who dubbed me Barbara Suzanne Banta) was a BB as well. Happy Birthday to my father, Bob Banta. He died some time ago and honestly, I feel a greater bond with him since his death than perhaps when he was of [...]

Opening to the Heart…with a spirit of mystery

2010-02-21T00:40:30-07:00By |Heart|

I'm sitting with a mystery. It's a serious one to me. I've traveled with some interesting teachers my spell here on the planet. I've seen smarts, compassion, passion, diverse talent galore, ego and heart mixed in interesting combinations with all these teachers. I pick and choose from what I see. I try not to expect [...]