
All Structures are Unstable

2010-03-23T09:15:33-06:00By |Reflection|

Eckhart Tolle is kicking my butt....and I like it. I like to see things with fresh eyes. From his, 'A New Earth'. 'The ego always wants something from other people or situations. There is always a hidden agenda, always a sense of 'not enough yet,' of insufficiency and lack that needs to be filled. It [...]

Karma and Her citizens

2010-03-16T21:45:04-06:00By |Possibility and Intention|

I was 'speaking' with a friend via email, as so many of us do these days, actual dialogue, with intonations, breaths and audible sighs a faded memory in some cases. A travesty to a trained actress and a great challenge to a writer. How do we most effectively express what is in our hearts? I [...]

A Life of Pleasures…why not?

2010-02-06T22:20:22-07:00By |Reflection|

I indulged in Elizabeth Berg's 'A Year of Pleasures' today. Some background: The main character Betta, recently lost her husband. In the dialogue which follows, Betta is speaking with her friend Maddy, (they're newly reunited old pals), having learned that Maddy's eleven year old daughter died diving into the shallow end of a pool. When [...]