
Losing Sometimes Isn’t So

2010-05-06T21:50:42-06:00By |Change|

I've been wading through more choices lately. People are people and we have differences. I am learning, after living all these years, to perhaps let go a bit more easily. But, in certain areas, it's not my nature. For as many changes as I initiate and with all my moving about, varied experiences, relationships that [...]

Love Among the Memories

2010-04-29T22:00:05-06:00By |Reflection|

Love Among the Memories I found myself this past weekend in the lush surrounds of Lancaster, PA, Lititz to be exact, home of Wilbur Chocolate and Linden Hall, now the oldest girl’s school in America, founded in 1747, also my former high school. I arrived on no more beautiful day than I can ever remember. [...]

The Road Less…Stingy

2010-04-22T20:31:53-06:00By |Dancing|

I'm pondering abundance this evening. My own, or lack of thought, forgiveness, awareness, understanding, passion, stamina, love. Again, energy. This thought around what we attract, where we focus our attention is fascinating me. I'm experimenting, both with my habitual tendencies and a practice in doing things differently. I relish the 'differently' most of all [...]

Comfort has its penalties!

2010-04-22T09:09:39-06:00By |Challenge|

This just in from Dare not wish to change even the slightest thing about a loved one without first understanding how it might change the rest of them. Keep your eye on the ball, The Universe I'd almost forgotten. Comfort has it's penalties. Something about trust. Keep jumping! BB Webb

Vibrating at a Higher Frequency…

2010-04-20T22:35:10-06:00By |Energy Healing|

Our bodies are energy....electromagnetic. When we operate from good intention and in integrity, truth as we know it, authenticity, (if you will), our health is better, we manifest our desires effortlessly. Heart energy vibrates at a very high energy. We will be hearing more of this sort of language in upcoming days....I'm beginning to hear [...]

Awake From A Dream And Back Again

2010-04-19T17:47:44-06:00By |Change|

I awoke, recently....with this paragraph steaming through my head.     'And so you ever greater authenticity. ....and always a connection to heart, which to me, is imagining the walk in another's shoes while standing solidly in your own. Listening for what you don't yet realize. Being open to the breath and wisdom between [...]

News Alert….

2010-04-18T17:28:58-06:00By |People I Admire|

Money was raised, and glasses too, at the Jeanette Rankin High Hat Tea. A sunny day in Athens with hope of more deserving women being awarded seed money to advance their educations! Lovely really. And, well, First Place Winner for the Most Creative Hat award with my 'The Many Faces of You!' hat!! (Frankly [...]

Why I Like People

2022-01-04T18:51:15-07:00By |Heart|

Why I Like People Often they are loveable. They are FULL of surprises. They come in many colors. They make me laugh. They can make me sad or upset, making my laugh feel even better! They can be fun to go on short and long trips with. Sometimes they laugh at my jokes. They can [...]

Necessary Losses and the Gain of it all

2010-04-11T09:55:21-06:00By |Heart|

I'm thinking this morning about the people who have come through my life, considering the possible 'soul contracts' we had way before coming to this particular time on earth. I'm considering the necessary losses we go through to tumble on top of each and every day. I'm thinking too of a book by Judith Viorst [...]

Palindrome of mercy AND hope

2010-04-09T09:33:32-06:00By |Change|

'WOW' is all I can say here. I encourage you to take under 2 minutes to look at what this young person created AND its message. Powerful to say the least; an inspired one minute and 44 second film created by a 20 year old. I continue to be inspired by the brilliance, generosity of [...]