
Entrepreneurialism….IS THIS TRUE?????????

2010-05-02T11:50:37-06:00By |Business|

I believe in entreprenurialism. I believe in creating and manifesting whatever you can! I believe in hard work and passion. I'd like to believe that this is all possible to do in America, with a good measure of support. And I soooooooooo wonder. At times I soooooooooo wonder. Did you know that entrepreneurs make up [...]

Awwww… one will see the back.

2010-02-24T21:23:09-07:00By |Change|

When I was 11 and 12, (ugh....with absolutely NO breasts, skinny as a green bean), in preparation for school, my OH so patient mother would painstakingly help put hot curlers in my hair to make it bounce, as otherwise my very curly hair would have a plan of it's own and rebel conformity, (as if [...]

On Truth.

2009-12-30T10:15:32-07:00By |LIfe|

I've learned some key things this past week.....or maybe it's a lifetime that has brought me here. Who we are, our truth, how we feel, what we believe, is like a personal elixir, making us full, alive, passionate about things perhaps, allows our soul to flourish within our human skin. Though, to live in our [...]

‘One must still have chaos in oneself…

2009-12-25T09:04:04-07:00By |Reflection| be able to give birth to a dancing star.' I didn't say that, it was all Friedrich Nietzsche...that wily German classical Scholar, Philosopher and Critic of culture, 1844-1900. He also said, 'There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness,' and... 'I'm not upset that you lied [...]