
Entelechy and Your Life to Live.

2010-01-15T19:10:12-07:00By |Words|

I discovered a new word while reading early this morning....and I like it. ENTELECHY en⋅tel⋅e⋅chy  [en-tel-uh-kee] n·tel·e·chy (ěn-těl'ĭ-kē) n. pl. en·tel·e·chies In the philosophy of Aristotle, the condition of a thing whose essence is fully realized; actuality. In some philosophical systems, a vital force that directs an organism toward self-fulfillment. 1. a realization or actuality as [...]

So evolved life fulfilled.

2010-01-13T18:44:43-07:00By |LIfe|

I was chatting with my pal 2Lu this evening. We were sorting through all manner of events and feelings and goals pronounced from the last few weeks....a time for rich growth for sure. And, on January 15th, Mercury resumes its forward movement, we will experience a solar eclipse, and there will be a new moon….all [...]

Big-ness, opportunity and our evolving

2010-01-10T12:15:17-07:00By |Change|

I have a lot on my mind and in my heart this Sunday. I'm receiving over the last several weeks something that I'll refer to as a lesson in 'biggness'. I'll do my best to explain though may be limited just now with the right use of words. I trust that you will quickly tune [...]

sometimes it’s hard to believe…

2010-01-08T22:11:50-07:00By |Change|

THE THINGS WE KNOW TO BE TRUE The quixotic and changeable nature of man, That we each are unique, worthy and powerful, We can create anything on which we focus, That pets, friends and parents come and go, often without warning, That a rotten feeling and disappointment will eventually transform into something better, That Coco [...]

Catalyst-ah and her gift

2010-01-07T21:01:49-07:00By |Change|

There is always a gift, always. When we're seemingly thrown over a cliff or shoved against a wall, there is a gift, (smashed nose too, maybe). I'm thinking this evening about fate and the necessity for (or advantage of), perspective. I've watched, felt really, my mind and my body take grand shifts of perspective and [...]

Awwwww…..wing it Icarus, wing it!

2010-01-07T00:30:55-07:00By |LIfe|

I spent a time many moons ago in love with Edith Hamilton's book 'Mythology' and during that time I also read lots and lots of Greek plays, many quite droll, the main premise of most stories being, 'man suffers then he dies.' Well, damn if that wasn't a long time ago and our world is [...]

Rituals and saying good-bye…

2010-01-05T10:50:47-07:00By |People I Admire|

I love calendars and maps and greatly value rituals. I create them for all kinds of events: the start of a business, the moving into a house, marriages for sure, a year of this, a month of that, the death of a pet, a birth, a divorce, the dog gets a bath, my friend gets [...]

5 Thoughts and One to Grow On

2010-01-05T06:30:50-07:00By |Energy Healing, LIfe|

A few thoughts hit me like water balloons to the head last evening and early this morning. #1 JUST BE. Be what you envision, the way you view the world. Quit with all the doing, the explaining, the effort. Be the change, the difference. Big night really. And then the big shazam was when I [...]

Sentient Beings

2010-01-04T12:30:30-07:00By |Passion|

I ran across this quote today and it seemed quite timely and thought I'd share. "Your cultivation of love and great compassion should not be left in a state of mere imagination or wish alone; rather, a sense of responsibility, a genuine intention to engage in the task of relieving sentient beings of their sufferings [...]