
Karma and Her citizens

2010-03-16T21:45:04-06:00By |Possibility and Intention|

I was 'speaking' with a friend via email, as so many of us do these days, actual dialogue, with intonations, breaths and audible sighs a faded memory in some cases. A travesty to a trained actress and a great challenge to a writer. How do we most effectively express what is in our hearts? I [...]

What’s missing…

2010-03-10T23:49:03-07:00By |Heart|

I start my day off with a cup of fresh brewed coffee.....I love the smell, the taste, the heat, the ritual and how the pot makes that inviting gurgle sound I know so well, the memories it evokes...all summoning me to this magnificent pleasure. I'm picky about my beans, the 'cream' I use, that it's [...]

Necessary Shifting and Necessary Play

2010-03-08T09:02:53-07:00By |Change|

I took a long awaited spin outside my surrounds this past Friday. Welcomed indeed. Hopping gleefully into my ready jeep, eager to hit the road, I felt giddy with excitement to take a break from what has felt like a very, very long winter, fall, summer and spring of last year. In fact, I was [...]

The Scary Monster

2022-01-14T11:14:02-07:00By |LIfe|

The Scary Monster When I was a little girl, when everyone still called me, 'Barbie Sue', I believed in scary monsters. They lived in my basement, (which if you read my earlier post, I was extremely scared of), and they hung out in my bedroom closet. I would lie (or is it lay)?? quietly in [...]

Opening to the Heart…with a spirit of mystery

2010-02-21T00:40:30-07:00By |Heart|

I'm sitting with a mystery. It's a serious one to me. I've traveled with some interesting teachers my spell here on the planet. I've seen smarts, compassion, passion, diverse talent galore, ego and heart mixed in interesting combinations with all these teachers. I pick and choose from what I see. I try not to expect [...]

What choice have we…

2010-02-13T22:13:09-07:00By |Change|

“If I could persuade myself that I should find God in a Himalayan cave I would proceed there immediately. But I know that I cannot find God apart from humanity.” ~ Gandhi I don't think I'd enjoy a Himalayan cave, but I think we need to find our own 'caves' of sorts when dealing with [...]

Feng Shui Your Way to A Better Life…..

2010-02-09T21:01:41-07:00By |Change|

You can, you will at least support your intention. I was reminded today about what I experienced and learned after visiting Hong Kong years ago. The art and placement of objects within a home is most seriously considered in the Chinese culture. And the horror stories related to not following the principles are incredible. [...]

The Untethered Soul

2010-02-04T20:33:48-07:00By |Change|

I've been short of breath this entire week, I can't get a full breath. I'm strong, healthy and in good shape. Sick people and old ladies usually are the ones short of breath. My friend informed me it was STRESS. And then she followed it up with,   'Stress is the #1 killer in America. [...]

Awwwww…..wing it Icarus, wing it!

2010-01-07T00:30:55-07:00By |LIfe|

I spent a time many moons ago in love with Edith Hamilton's book 'Mythology' and during that time I also read lots and lots of Greek plays, many quite droll, the main premise of most stories being, 'man suffers then he dies.' Well, damn if that wasn't a long time ago and our world is [...]