
Bob Banta births BB….Awwww Dad!

2010-11-22T19:50:58-07:00By |LIfe|

I hadn't put it together until just this evening, but my father, Bob Banta, (who dubbed me Barbara Suzanne Banta) was a BB as well. Happy Birthday to my father, Bob Banta. He died some time ago and honestly, I feel a greater bond with him since his death than perhaps when he was of [...]

Speechless….BB Speechless???…

2010-10-06T22:40:59-06:00By |Expansion|

Well, the world MIGHT stop on its axis would that be true....indeed, oooooh indeed, things are a'brewin.... and I take a pause to reflect a moment on it all. I take a deeeep breath and sit awhile. Something which ALSO happens far fewer than I hope it might in time. I'll intend it so! For [...]

The world I prefer…

2010-05-20T07:32:04-06:00By |Compassion|

[youtube=] Compassion rules. Love rocks and thoughtfulness, in my book of preferences, makes me 'off-the-charts' weak in the knees. Do something thoughtful for someone today. Just do. BB Webb