
The unmeasured moment

2010-09-01T23:12:02-06:00By |Expansion|

I've been out of my own pocket lately...diverted by a number of keen surprises, epiphanies of late really.   My earlier surrender, post meltdown, catapulting me into new territory which has me both delighted and standing a bit quiet amidst the flurry of 'little me's' scurrying about, running around me in a smidge of a [...]

And again, I remind myself…

2010-03-28T20:21:24-06:00By |Compassion|

  simply to breathe... breathe, breathe, and trust... trust that somewhere, somehow, I am, (we are), supremely loved, taken care of and.... that equanimity is mine...ours... yours. And so it is. It just is. BB Webb

It’s faith…it’s faith we need

2010-02-19T10:20:10-07:00By |Compassion|

I love remembering what I know. When I pray, and I do, in my fashion, usually with sweet smelling things in my periphery....I ask whomever, (and I speak with a host of influencers), 'please help me remember what I already know which will serve me, and who I am here to serve, today, please'. Yes, [...]

Gratitude and Heart

2010-02-11T11:28:44-07:00By |Compassion|

I have a variety of pals, some close, some I see only now and again and some who cross the border of service provider and someone who I am friendly with. I'll count my new massure/energy healing goddess as one. A new acquaintance who like me, studied energy healing with the oh so gifted Dr. [...]

Keeping the light on.

2010-02-01T06:43:18-07:00By |Energy Healing|

With the myriad of dense energy I've found myself mucking about in lately, realizing my inner zing and joy was a bit diminished, I knew it was up to me, and only me to turn things turn my light back on. I have a lot of light and typically, great energy and joy, despite [...]