
The Untethered Soul

2010-02-04T20:33:48-07:00By |Change|

I've been short of breath this entire week, I can't get a full breath. I'm strong, healthy and in good shape. Sick people and old ladies usually are the ones short of breath. My friend informed me it was STRESS. And then she followed it up with,   'Stress is the #1 killer in America. [...]

Support, Caretaking, Taking Care, Caring Less.

2010-02-04T10:01:23-07:00By |Compassion|

Which is it. What do we do from one day to the next, moment to the next? SUPPORT...I'm all for that, giving it and receiving it. Support to me is giving someone the tools to do what they have the ability to do. We can give it and receive it...Support for efforts in growth, learning [...]

Our greatest gift…

2010-01-31T00:41:02-07:00By |LIfe|

"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." - James Baldwin, Author and Activist Our greatest gift to ourselves and certainly to another person, is to see them see the person inside the humanity. This thought just lit a lightbulb in my head after sitting [...]

Unprecedented Times and aren’t we indeed the beneficiaries!

2010-01-30T13:16:33-07:00By |LIfe|

Wow! NOW I'm REALLY curious. When God wants to get your attention, dang if he/she isn't persistent. I'm getting it, I'm getting it....really, I am...and I'm laughing here because, damn, for a rather bright woman, I can be so slooow to catch on to some things....DAMN, stubborn as hell too, (in areas). I'm realizing how [...]

Courting Possibility.

2010-01-25T23:07:37-07:00By |Change|

I found myself today at the Duluth County Courthouse. I am guilty. I was going 60mph in a 45mph zone. I was hurrying, (typically my story), to a coaching session this past November, and honestly was NOT paying the proper attention to my driving. I still talk on my cell phone while driving, with an [...]

Just Keep Showing Up…

2010-01-20T21:39:05-07:00By |LIfe|

I'm at the airport, connected finally to the internet, waaaay early for meeting my sister-in-law in from Germany to visit during her layover, and somehow, (a first), I'm not interested in people the flood of emails has grown in being out of my office networking for two days. I'm wondering when it all becomes [...]

Ukraine’s Story in Living Art…

2010-01-12T18:40:59-07:00By |The Arts|

This is perhaps one of the most extraordinary 'Living Art' pieces I've ever witnessed. This video shows the winner of Ukraine’s 'Got Talent', Kseniya Simonova, 24 year old creator of a series of pictures on an illuminated sand table showing how ordinary people were affected by the German invasion during World War II. Her talent, [...]

Big-ness, opportunity and our evolving

2010-01-10T12:15:17-07:00By |Change|

I have a lot on my mind and in my heart this Sunday. I'm receiving over the last several weeks something that I'll refer to as a lesson in 'biggness'. I'll do my best to explain though may be limited just now with the right use of words. I trust that you will quickly tune [...]

sometimes it’s hard to believe…

2010-01-08T22:11:50-07:00By |Change|

THE THINGS WE KNOW TO BE TRUE The quixotic and changeable nature of man, That we each are unique, worthy and powerful, We can create anything on which we focus, That pets, friends and parents come and go, often without warning, That a rotten feeling and disappointment will eventually transform into something better, That Coco [...]