
Necessary Shifting and Necessary Play

2010-03-08T09:02:53-07:00By |Change|

I took a long awaited spin outside my surrounds this past Friday. Welcomed indeed. Hopping gleefully into my ready jeep, eager to hit the road, I felt giddy with excitement to take a break from what has felt like a very, very long winter, fall, summer and spring of last year. In fact, I was [...]

And then down the road…

2010-03-06T12:17:37-07:00By |LIfe|

I followed the path and it lead me there, it lead me to the crooked path where, I found the things I'd been looking for, I'd searched up and down the shore, I climbed a mountain, twice in fact, I rode down a river and then back, I'd sat with eyes looking at the sky, [...]

The Scary Monster

2022-01-14T11:14:02-07:00By |LIfe|

The Scary Monster When I was a little girl, when everyone still called me, 'Barbie Sue', I believed in scary monsters. They lived in my basement, (which if you read my earlier post, I was extremely scared of), and they hung out in my bedroom closet. I would lie (or is it lay)?? quietly in [...]

Walking the dogs and mending fences

2010-02-22T21:08:12-07:00By |Energy Healing|

I don't walk my dogs. I open the door and let them run and hope they stay inside my 2 acre fenced in area. They don't always and then I call and call and in they come. I'm always repairing fences as they don't liked to be fenced in any more than I do. Seems [...]

Ladies laughing and the power of WE..

2010-02-18T19:30:10-07:00By |Change|

  Earlier this week, I could tell when I woke one morning with my lower back cracked in two, (symbol: support...maybe...perception is everything), that I was in for one hell of a time. Literally, I could not stand. I don't remember such excrutiating pain. I was doubled over making me weary from the lack of [...]

Ahhhhhh hahahahhahhahhaaaaa…..dream on said she.

2010-02-15T15:38:18-07:00By |Change|

I miss my illusions sometimes. I create such neat fantasies in my mind, rich, alive, in full color, 3D, or some 4D, even better. I'm liking what I know of 4D. I'm an adept creator, I dream dreams while dreaming. I'm often unsure of which is my 'reality' but that's subjective now, isn't it? I [...]

What choice have we…

2010-02-13T22:13:09-07:00By |Change|

“If I could persuade myself that I should find God in a Himalayan cave I would proceed there immediately. But I know that I cannot find God apart from humanity.” ~ Gandhi I don't think I'd enjoy a Himalayan cave, but I think we need to find our own 'caves' of sorts when dealing with [...]

Who DO you trust?

2010-02-10T09:26:38-07:00By |Change|

People are so entirely fallible. I can live with that. What is harder is when they seem content or unaware within their own deep seated illusions. Or when I endeavor to tune into 'heart' and hear only static, or worse, nothing. I like talking about the elephant in the room. He's there, taking up space, [...]

A Life of Pleasures…why not?

2010-02-06T22:20:22-07:00By |Reflection|

I indulged in Elizabeth Berg's 'A Year of Pleasures' today. Some background: The main character Betta, recently lost her husband. In the dialogue which follows, Betta is speaking with her friend Maddy, (they're newly reunited old pals), having learned that Maddy's eleven year old daughter died diving into the shallow end of a pool. When [...]

Making things what they are…

2010-02-05T22:15:40-07:00By |Change|

...before you can change them. I was presented this notion many years ago and am considering it as I ponder with eyes wide open this evening. I am considering how we delude ourselves and often decide to 'not face the music,' (a quite interesting expression). Why would someone NOT want to face the music? Because [...]