
Entrepreneurialism….IS THIS TRUE?????????

2010-05-02T11:50:37-06:00By |Business|

I believe in entreprenurialism. I believe in creating and manifesting whatever you can! I believe in hard work and passion. I'd like to believe that this is all possible to do in America, with a good measure of support. And I soooooooooo wonder. At times I soooooooooo wonder. Did you know that entrepreneurs make up [...]

Move Forward!

2010-04-26T20:34:05-06:00By |Change|

I'm considering this past year. It's obvious to me how life is a bit like a flowing river….we like floating or swimming debris, caught in little eddies from time to time, or on the sideline, snagged in riverside sticks or waylaid near a beaver’s damn. And other times, swiftly sweeping past the river’s edge, onlookers [...]

Comfort has its penalties!

2010-04-22T09:09:39-06:00By |Challenge|

This just in from Dare not wish to change even the slightest thing about a loved one without first understanding how it might change the rest of them. Keep your eye on the ball, The Universe I'd almost forgotten. Comfort has it's penalties. Something about trust. Keep jumping! BB Webb

Awake From A Dream And Back Again

2010-04-19T17:47:44-06:00By |Change|

I awoke, recently....with this paragraph steaming through my head.     'And so you ever greater authenticity. ....and always a connection to heart, which to me, is imagining the walk in another's shoes while standing solidly in your own. Listening for what you don't yet realize. Being open to the breath and wisdom between [...]

What is Enough? Confluence baby, confluence.

2010-04-17T05:27:40-06:00By |LIfe|

I'm seeing a pattern in things of late. One experience shining a light on another, then another and another.... ...which in turn shines a light on what I prefer, what I'll tolerate (or not) and, always, I'm finding, my desire to have events and people in my life fit somehow with me. But I'm finding [...]

Necessary Suspicion

2010-04-15T20:46:52-06:00By |Business|

  Or.....tales from the Biz Crib.....     NECESSARY SUSPICION With her body taut, her eyes peered right, Captivated yet ready for flight, She measured the moves made by this man, Wondering was he solid or lose like sand, Snake oil he sold, good for the skin, It could make you look pretty, make you [...]

Necessary Losses and the Gain of it all

2010-04-11T09:55:21-06:00By |Heart|

I'm thinking this morning about the people who have come through my life, considering the possible 'soul contracts' we had way before coming to this particular time on earth. I'm considering the necessary losses we go through to tumble on top of each and every day. I'm thinking too of a book by Judith Viorst [...]

Don’t be afraid to rally…

2010-04-03T08:39:23-06:00By |Challenge|

For whatever cause which you feel needs rallying. I've quite a few frankly. Though my dogs have plenty of trees to occupy them where we live, I've got another bee or two in my bonnet, demanding I take action. Consider, how do you work to evolve the world into a place and space where you'd [...]

Oh Merde!

2010-04-01T00:02:45-06:00By |Challenge|'s the different perspectives we all hold that keep the world turning on its axis. Turning, turning, turning. I'm never bored. Scary when we begin to believe our own bullSHIT. Speechless, I'm rarely that....but I've had trouble finding the correct words to express what's up for me this week. Forgive me but, SHIT keeps coming [...]

Real Friends.

2010-03-29T07:00:01-06:00By |Compassion|

Have your back. Don't walk away when things get tough. Take responsibility for their part of an issue. Tell the truth, even when it's scary to tell the truth. Honor you by showing up. Take a hit for you at times. Can listen to the truth, even when it"s hard to hear. They don't bullshit [...]