
Blue Skies and it’s sometimes not what you say…

2010-06-15T00:04:14-06:00By |Reflection|

...but what you DON'T say that can be harmful. Communication is ticky. (ticky being a new favorite word). I was told by someone once....'communication is the response you get'. I don't know if I entirely agree with that. For instance, I might say to you, 'damn this workshop blows'. You might look at me aghast [...]

Can’t Steal Happiness

2010-06-13T00:23:18-06:00By |Change|

The Weepies, (I've been on a year long kick with the Weepies) have great being,   'you can't steal happiness',   (I believe that to be true, or power unless you let someone TAKE it from you), and I like the thought that:   All my troubles are in the rearview mirror! Another Weepie [...]

It’s all in the details, though, maybe not

2010-06-07T19:21:26-06:00By |Reflection|

I'm considering the importance of details in some matters and then again, not, in others. In my business, you bet, and accountability measures ARE being put into place at every switch and turn. I'm surveying it all, and finding that just like a bolt can become loose on a bicycle, so can the details in [...]

What I see today

2010-05-30T02:00:20-06:00By |Compassion|

I'm midway along this new adventure, a surgery in fact (and as my pal Lulu and I love to say, 'the details don't matter', as often they don't). I traveled to have some eye repair, my first reminiscant surgery when I was 7 years old, then 8. I'm in good care with a doctor I [...]

A Squeaky Clean Ephiphany!

2010-05-20T22:59:04-06:00By |Change|

I bought a washer and dryer for my business got me to thinking. My life has been like a washer stuck on spin for a year or two... I'd best turn the switch.....rinse would be lovely....even wash. The spin has me at this point over-the-top dizzy. It's a good thing I can dance. It [...]

I wonder?

2010-05-19T22:33:49-06:00By |Expansion|

I wonder how I will look back on this period in my life 5 years from now. I'll wonder how I made it through. I'll consider the relationships, ups, downs, arounds and how much I learned from it all, consider the people I still love, whether they are active in my life or not. I'll [...]

The Nature of Man

2010-05-07T08:54:42-06:00By |Challenge|

Okay....women too. I'm sitting this morning readying for a 5 event weekend at Carl House....(a big thank you for that)....I'm wondering why we all tend to rally to defense instead of work to see another's point of view. I'm no doubt guilty at times here as well. What is it we feel we need to [...]

Losing Sometimes Isn’t So

2010-05-06T21:50:42-06:00By |Change|

I've been wading through more choices lately. People are people and we have differences. I am learning, after living all these years, to perhaps let go a bit more easily. But, in certain areas, it's not my nature. For as many changes as I initiate and with all my moving about, varied experiences, relationships that [...]