
Catalyst-ah and her gift

2010-01-07T21:01:49-07:00By |Change|

There is always a gift, always. When we're seemingly thrown over a cliff or shoved against a wall, there is a gift, (smashed nose too, maybe). I'm thinking this evening about fate and the necessity for (or advantage of), perspective. I've watched, felt really, my mind and my body take grand shifts of perspective and [...]

Awwwww…..wing it Icarus, wing it!

2010-01-07T00:30:55-07:00By |LIfe|

I spent a time many moons ago in love with Edith Hamilton's book 'Mythology' and during that time I also read lots and lots of Greek plays, many quite droll, the main premise of most stories being, 'man suffers then he dies.' Well, damn if that wasn't a long time ago and our world is [...]

The Passing of Time and Times…

2009-12-29T02:33:29-07:00By |LIfe|

A friend of mine died this weekend. It was sudden and the details don’t matter. This news felt like a kick in the gut, I literally felt all the blood rush to my head as I heard the news. My breathing actually stopped. I had to have it repeated several times to really take it [...]

Is it ‘just weather’?

2009-12-08T20:18:28-07:00By |Passion|

I wrote a piece, keynote talk, performance, I don’t know….called, ‘It’s Just Weather, Embracing Possibility Thinking or How to Find Your Twirl.’ In this piece I share stories about ‘moving forward,’ moving forward despite the obstacles, the rain, the stuff that gives one ‘pause.’ I performed it, rewrote it, performed it again, then put it [...]

It’s the little things…

2009-12-03T21:18:10-07:00By |Words|

I've a word filling my mind this evening. Sustainability I'm not sure why. Words get lodged in my brain until I pay attention. I'm not sure who is knocking on my noggin at these times....but I'm grateful for their presence. So, off to, one of my favorite places to tarry. Here's what I found. [...]

Hurt and Sober

2009-11-30T20:04:36-07:00By |Change, People I Admire|

I learned a boatload today and I feel all the growth pains. At the moment it feels just awful. I know I have angels who swarm around and protect me (from myself mostly) and who make sure I get a speeding ticket (today) to make sure I don't have a crash and kill myself. They [...]

Through a Woods Clearly

2009-11-29T19:27:37-07:00By |Change|

These times are trying pellet, then two, the third sneaks up on you...not full shots, just little annoying hits, trying to take one off course. But my course is clear, it always has been....though the road I travel keeps changing. And it is this time of year I think of Robert Frost. His words [...]

This just in from the Universe…

2009-11-21T05:02:06-07:00By |LIfe|

'Any attempt to measure one's progress in life with an assessment of their present physical surroundings, or even a panoramic glance at their life and times to date, is just plain "whacked." The reason being, is that each journey, kind of like a haircut, should never be fully appraised until it's complete. Otherwise, one might [...]