
So evolved life fulfilled.

2010-01-13T18:44:43-07:00By |LIfe|

I was chatting with my pal 2Lu this evening. We were sorting through all manner of events and feelings and goals pronounced from the last few weeks....a time for rich growth for sure. And, on January 15th, Mercury resumes its forward movement, we will experience a solar eclipse, and there will be a new moon….all [...]

Friends can be like…

2009-12-31T00:02:14-07:00By |Friends|

...popcorn, constant explosions of impulse, surprise, support, smarts and fun, fun, fun! I'll speak today of one favorite friend....my pal 2Lu. She's smart as a whip, wears the funniest clown pants in history, makes me laugh so hard with her quick wit and sharp tongue, has a selflessness in key areas that inspire and leave [...]