Palindrome of mercy AND hope

‘WOW’ is all I can say here. I encourage you to take under 2 minutes to look at what this young person created AND its message. Powerful to say the least; an inspired one minute and 44 second film created by a 20 year old.

I continue to be inspired by the brilliance, generosity of spirit, creativity and bravery I witness throughout the world. Most especially, the expanding awareness, in particular among some very young and wise people. The souls coming into our world have a slightly different view and purpose I feel which can only enlighten and lift us all.

I wake up each morning with one intent…to make a positive difference and a move toward love and peace.

I was born just before the 60s…that message, LOVE & PEACE was and is a good one. It’s these new souls who will help guide us there if we’ll surrender more our egos, and by that, I mean the parts of us that YES, are useful, but need not rule us with fear.

Much of ego stems from fear. Parts useful, others though better sacrificed to surrender!

No trite maxims here…it’s merely time to do things differently.

The life wisdom from we older folks and a fresh energetic perspective and purpose from the new good and brave souls coming our way.

This collaboration I feel is something worth celebrating.

BB Webb

2010-04-09T09:33:32-06:00By |Change|