I’m considering this past year.
It’s obvious to me how life is a bit like a flowing river….we like floating or swimming debris, caught in little eddies from time to time, or on the sideline, snagged in riverside sticks or waylaid near a beaver’s damn. And other times, swiftly sweeping past the river’s edge, onlookers to the scenery, what we’ve come to pass.
Or, like a thistle seed, carried by our white feathery transport vehicle allowing the wind to take us, up, down, swirling around trees and scenery, past cows and people, buildings and water falls.
And at times, we might hear a voice whispering from the distance, ‘move forward, move forward’. Or sometimes, ‘abort, abort’!
I take that as a kindly reminder to at times disengage, break lose in a new direction as perhaps I’ve become momentarily stuck in an unhelpful pattern, by the river’s edge or, my feathery transporter stuck to the edge of a barn door or window sill…or caught moving in circles which perhaps serve me no longer. My vision skewed.
Life carries us though we all have our own will. And when I hear ‘move forward, move forward’, I know, something, someone bigger and greater than me, (though part of me) is looking out for me, coaxing me to better grounds, different surrounds and new acquaintances no doubt.
And in those moments I know it is time to thank the people and situations from which I’ve come and to be open to the new places I am meant to travel.
And at that moment, when I realize the change in the wind, I feel compelled to express gratitude for all that is and All That Is!
(Isn’t it through the challenges where we grow the most. If only they didn’t ache so).
No doubt, glorious, fulfilling surprises ahead! I’ll intend it, all the way around….for you as well!
BB Webb