I wonder?

I wonder how I will look back on this period in my life 5 years from now.

I’ll wonder how I made it through.

I’ll consider the relationships, ups, downs, arounds and how much I learned from it all, consider the people I still love, whether they are active in my life or not.

I’ll remember my dogs, little skinny Annie my kitty who may not make it much past today, young though she is.

I’ll wonder how things shifted so and that I am flowing with a new current, still full of complexity and challenge, but of a new flavor.

And I’ll wonder no doubt how I lived without certain people in my life, people maybe I’m yet to meet or get to know.

And I’ll be amazed again at how much forgiveness I carry in my heart for others, how ever I reached the heights I’ve climbed.

I’ll wonder at why more people aren’t vibrating at the speed to which I’ve grown accustomed.

Oh, and they’ll be more….no doubt, no doubt.

The importance of being in your skin, heart, body and soul.

BB Webb

2010-05-19T22:33:49-06:00By |Expansion|