
We all need a ‘Caddy’

2011-03-24T10:25:05-06:00By |Uncategorized|

'Expect your every need to be met. Expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level'. Eileen Caddy. We all need reminders, helpmates, support, champions, someone to carry our 'clubs' from time to time. And these 'caddys,' champions...they come in such varied flavors. We need only open our eyes, listen, feel with our [...]

Careful ’bout that wink

2010-11-04T22:15:52-06:00By |LIfe, Uncategorized|

Almost Friday. Each week like a bourbon splash or flirty fast wink. With more fodder for stories. This week a topper! I've written, set aside the words, written some more and ooooh, set it aside. Though in time, another day, without the need to watch my words so much, I'll encourage the transparent sparrow that [...]

Animals Rock!

2010-08-11T23:25:44-06:00By |Uncategorized|

Come on, they do....mine do.... ...but I have proof, solid hard evidence that if you love on a creature, (I'll submit this might be relevant for human beings as well).....if you LOVE ON an animal every day of its life, pet it, make sure it has food, water, exercise, clean bedding and temperatures not too [...]

Cowgirls, Plays and Such!

2010-07-22T23:13:07-06:00By |Passion, Reflection, Uncategorized|

I've always produced. Always. I was making up skits and plays when I was 4, dressed in plastic high heels, often wore a cape like Mighty Mouse (from the cartoons), and would jump off chairs feeling rather 'mighty' myself. At one point I thought it'd be fun to be an elephant when I grew up, [...]

Ooooh Mary…..sweet

2010-06-09T07:29:51-06:00By |Uncategorized|

The power of YouTube.....google had Theresa Anderson on their main page this morning..... a new talent to me. Ahh the fiddle. Ahh the voice. Makes me (and clearly), Mary, weep! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJkQvyoWJBk&hl=en_US&fs=1&] BB Webb

Truth or dare…..

2009-11-17T22:48:36-07:00By |Reflection, Uncategorized|

Truth, light, transparency and savvy always wins. And by winning, i am referring to working toward the 'good'. And might I define good? Perhaps good is taking responsibility, doing well onto others, respecting your limits, encouraging growth. Truth or dare. I dare you to own up to all that you are....the glorious pieces, the less [...]

Priorities are what you spend your time on…

2009-08-01T12:27:40-06:00By |Dancing, Music, Possibility and Intention, Spirituality, Technology, Television & Other Media, The Arts, Uncategorized|

A busy week leading to a weekend with needed breathing space. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... I'm mesmerized by the thought that: 'priorities are what we spend our time on.' I look back at my week and find myself sorting through activities now past, intentions spoken, a pile of seeming priorities laying wait for me to tend to...left like [...]