
Random thoughts on random things…

Trite….maybe. That’s okay by me.

2009-06-25T08:03:06-06:00By |Reflection|

You just don't know what you don't know til you know it. Life takes a lot of forgiveness....of ourselves mostly. I feel that way. Interesting to me how one day feels so fluid, easy, I handle the bumps well, am even inspired by a small 'this' or 'that' which comes my way. The next day, [...]

Remembering Boston & Kitty

2009-06-23T09:58:42-06:00By |Reflection|

I spent my early 20's in Boston, serving drinks and shucking oysters, at what was then a very new Legal Seafoods. I was saving up money to go back to study with my still cherished mentor, the legendary Tony Montanaro, artist, teacher, spiritual seeker. I was privileged to get to work with a man so [...]

My Earth Experience to date….

2009-06-14T09:36:27-06:00By |Reflection|

The love we have for ourselves is what we offer to others.  I like that.  I feel it is true. Our culture does not prescribe sitting in quietude as a practice, a way to connect to what I call our ‘higher’ self, the one who knows so much more than our limited human self.  When [...]