
Random thoughts on random things…

Opaque, obtuse, transparent

2009-07-24T22:26:43-06:00By |Friends, People I Admire, Possibility and Intention, Reflection, Relationships, Spirituality|

[youtube=] I'm playing with words tonight. They can be such imposters, such posers, sneaky little devils! Ever have a thought in your head and a word just appears....KAPOW!! You may not be completely familiar with its meaning, might not use it frequently, though there it fragrant as lemon zest....but watch might portend more [...]

Random Acts…..awwwww..

2009-07-21T13:54:49-06:00By |Friends, People I Admire, Possibility and Intention, Reflection, Spirituality|

Isn't this speeeeeecial. I think so! But hey, how come newscasters always have that 'voice' and bizzare inflection thingy goin on? [youtube=] And did you know there is an organization which support acts of kindness? With a mission, (and I'm quoting here), 'to decrease world SUCK.' Pretty song too! I'm all for it!! [youtube=] [...]

Would you date yourself? & other musings around love.

2009-07-20T22:12:21-06:00By |Friends, People I Admire, Possibility and Intention, Reflection, Relationships, Spirituality|

Well okay....I promised a treatise on love and "would you really want to date yourself,' (see below from earlier last evening). Though suddenly I'm not in the mood. Only enough to lives in the 'big picture' and it need have no definition. It's a vibe which needs no boundaries, just space 'to be,' to [...]

It’s a new day.

2009-07-18T16:07:43-06:00By |People I Admire, Reflection, Spirituality, The Arts|

I love that. Every day. New. An opportunity to do better, enjoy more, to test my compassion, embrace my passion. Or in my case today...just float from moment to agenda, just free. Needed. Good. And here, a favorite artist of mine...Lovely Nina Simone. She says it so well. Close your eyes and just try [...]