
Random thoughts on random things…

Are you a ‘Stuffer’???

2009-10-26T20:09:08-06:00By |Reflection|

Are you? Do you 'stuff' down what you're feeling....hold your tongue, distract yourself with 'happy thoughts' or pout away because you just couldn't express what you were feeling? Do you tend to blame the other guy, refuse to take 'ownership' for what occurs in your life, focus on that glass that is clearly half empty [...]

At the end of her rope…

2009-10-23T22:48:09-06:00By |Reflection|

I'm wondering....what does one do when they feel at the end of their rope? I'm thinking of someone I am very, very close to....I've known her all my life. She's a most complex, emotional and passionate person. When she's scared, feels misunderstood, is lost in hopelessness or cornered, she gets angry, an anger that certainly [...]

The Road Not Taken…

2009-10-22T21:33:59-06:00By |Reflection|

Tonight....I Am Considering the Road, for me, Not Yet Taken... Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveller, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, [...]

The Children Storm

2009-10-20T22:16:16-06:00By |Reflection|

A little over 10 years ago I found myself in the new role of wife and step mom. Both proved to be challenging roles for me though I certainly gave it my ALL. The lessons learned were worth their weight in marbles, heavy, gold gilded marbles. I am grateful for ALL my life experiences. I'm [...]


2009-10-19T23:13:13-06:00By |Fun, Reflection|

Ever hear yourself talking or writing and a word from SOMEWHERE comes out of your mouth or on the page and you wonder 'where did THAT come from?' or you wonder, 'when did I learn that word?' but dang if it isn't 'right on'. Suddenly a lexicon of mystery words make themselves known. Today was [...]

Knowing your heart.

2009-10-08T22:18:08-06:00By |Reflection|

Knowing your heart. At the end of the day, we answer only to ourselves and perhaps our higher power. As I go to bed I review my day and assess, have I endeavored to be loving, purposeful, living my life 'on' purpose, doing what my soul is meant to do. Some days I [...]

Trees, Swallows and Carpenter Bees

2009-10-04T22:05:01-06:00By |Reflection|

Trees, Swallows and Carpenter Bees Trees and swallows fill the air As my head tilts cloudward. Like a mother with her baby, My hammock cocoons me, while buzzing carpenter bees build. Summer days on the coast, How lucky to live free and clear, Except for these intruding thoughts! Images of a past world drill like [...]

It’s your birthday, yes it’s your birthday!

2009-10-01T00:47:48-06:00By |Reflection|

I created a small children's theatre troupe with some pals in Vermont during my college days, wonderful and talented rapscillions were they. Sweet, wry, musical Tom sadly died of AIDS over a decade or more ago, David I saw 12 years ago and is in New York, creating festive Ukrainian Gypsy Shows off Broadway, Paul [...]

Our ‘arriving’ and distractions inherent on the path…

2009-09-26T14:25:55-06:00By |Reflection|

I'm amused, distracted really by my own distractions.. Distraction: Origin: 1425–75; late ME (< AF) < L distractiōn- (s. of distractiō) separation. See distract, -ion 1. the act of distracting. 2. the state of being distracted. 3. mental distress or derangement: That child will drive me to distraction. 4. that which distracts, divides the attention, [...]