
Random thoughts on random things…

Accepting What Is: Telling the Truth Can be Difficult

2023-01-31T11:35:38-07:00By |BB's Next Chapters Blogs, Compassion, Expansion, Heart, LIfe, Passion, People I Admire, Play, Possibility and Intention, Reflection|

Telling the Truth Can be Difficult by BB Webb Telling the truth can be difficult, the raw edge of truth.  For instance, moving past the image of ourselves we most want to project, the attractive ones we cling to, but instead, into the depths of what it is to be alive, vulnerable, feeling at times [...]

A Next Chapter

2023-01-31T11:39:41-07:00By |BB's Next Chapters Blogs, Challenge, Change, Compassion, Creativity, Expansion, Fun, Gratitude, Heart, LIfe, Passion, Reflection|

A Next Chapter by BB Webb We’re all constantly writing ‘next chapters’ to our lives, to our routines through opportunity, inspiration, boredom, or misfortune, forced by death or coaxed by our own desires, ambitions, and curiosity.  My last inspired big shift was prompted after a visit to Bozeman, Montana to celebrate my brother’s birthday and [...]

Our Ambassador of Enlightenment – Tiny Tips of Canine Enlightenment

2023-01-31T11:43:25-07:00By |Business, Compassion, Friends, Fun, Gratitude, Heart, LIfe, Play, Reflection|

Ambassador of Enlightenment! Our Ambassador of Enlightenment - Tiny Tips of Canine Enlightenment Why might the perspective of my pup, Buddy, hold value to those of us in business?  As the former 'Director of First Impressions' has proven, no one was a fonder greeter of our guests at my former business, Carl House.  With [...]

The Benefits of Loss

2023-01-30T15:08:09-07:00By |Challenge, Change, Compassion, Expansion, Friends, Gratitude, Heart, LIfe, People I Admire, Reflection, Relationships, Spirituality|

Loss is a tricky thing.  We don’t like it.  We like to have what we have and consider that it’ll never go away…the good things that is…people we love, ‘stuff’ we’ve accumulated, great moods that come our way…. being in shape, having the attentions we crave, perfect hair days! My former husband, Tommy Webb, passed [...]

How We Deal With Struggles Defines Us.

2011-04-04T22:38:09-06:00By |Reflection|

I am thinking of two things this evening... 1. that the way we handle hardship defines us AND 2. authenticity and the originality and truthfulness of it. Re-reading the last sounds silly. But hang with me a moment. Our culture, each of us is so tainted by tv, culture, the media, family, schools, religion. Cliches [...]

Communication is the Response You Get

2011-03-19T12:14:55-06:00By |Reflection|

I am frustrated in this moment. I don't like the feeling of disconnect when I am working in earnest to share a perspective, create a solution when asked, or have a moment of rest......and I am tired. The lists travel into my future like adding machine read into the next, into the next until [...]

Cowgirls, Plays and Such!

2010-07-22T23:13:07-06:00By |Passion, Reflection, Uncategorized|

I've always produced. Always. I was making up skits and plays when I was 4, dressed in plastic high heels, often wore a cape like Mighty Mouse (from the cartoons), and would jump off chairs feeling rather 'mighty' myself. At one point I thought it'd be fun to be an elephant when I grew up, [...]

Blue Skies and it’s sometimes not what you say…

2010-06-15T00:04:14-06:00By |Reflection|

...but what you DON'T say that can be harmful. Communication is ticky. (ticky being a new favorite word). I was told by someone once....'communication is the response you get'. I don't know if I entirely agree with that. For instance, I might say to you, 'damn this workshop blows'. You might look at me aghast [...]

It’s all in the details, though, maybe not

2010-06-07T19:21:26-06:00By |Reflection|

I'm considering the importance of details in some matters and then again, not, in others. In my business, you bet, and accountability measures ARE being put into place at every switch and turn. I'm surveying it all, and finding that just like a bolt can become loose on a bicycle, so can the details in [...]