Possibility and Intention

Blog entries which look at situations from a ‘what if’ or possibility perspective. Thoughts around creating and manifesting what you wish!

Priorities are what you spend your time on…

2009-08-01T12:27:40-06:00By |Dancing, Music, Possibility and Intention, Spirituality, Technology, Television & Other Media, The Arts, Uncategorized|

A busy week leading to a weekend with needed breathing space. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... I'm mesmerized by the thought that: 'priorities are what we spend our time on.' I look back at my week and find myself sorting through activities now past, intentions spoken, a pile of seeming priorities laying wait for me to tend to...left like [...]

Opaque, obtuse, transparent

2009-07-24T22:26:43-06:00By |Friends, People I Admire, Possibility and Intention, Reflection, Relationships, Spirituality|

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbWXL6WLIJM&hl=en&fs=1&] I'm playing with words tonight. They can be such imposters, such posers, sneaky little devils! Ever have a thought in your head and a word just appears....KAPOW!! You may not be completely familiar with its meaning, might not use it frequently, though there it is...as fragrant as lemon zest....but watch out....it might portend more [...]